Kelly's Crush

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Today was terrible for Kelly. She was running on very little sleep, (that she got with a face full of milk and cereal) she had multiple tests, and Guy was talking about doing something stupid.

So at lunch she just ate the first half, and slept the other. Then she prepared herself for the other half of her long day. In the hall a guy approached her, and she just kept walking.

She wasn't interested in dating, or at least not dating any other than a certain other, but she'll never admit to herself. Well, not at loud any way.

Her biggest secret, yes bigger than her brother being SheZow, she had a crush.

Not only did she have a crush, she had a crush on someone extremely....special..... That someone is Maz. Yep, the same Maz that's goofy and loud.

She couldn't help it, so she ignored it. Little did she know that a certain brother knows, and there was no way he was gonna let that not happen.

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