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   SheZow was currently fighting Monkey Man, as she usually does. He just doesn't know when to quit. As they were fighting Monkey brought a new invention (again).

   "The is the Blaster! It will blast you to bits!" The villain stated. "Will it actually work?" SheZow asked sarcastically. "Of course it does! I'm the greatest inventor who ever lived!" Monkey Man screamed.

   They continued fighting. None of them losing, none of them winning. SheZow made a mistake though, she tripped. That gave Monkey Man the chance he needed to use his ray.

   A blue swirl emerged behind SheZow, and sucked her in. Then disappeared from the scene. "That wasn't supposed to happen" Monkey Man stated.

   SheZow screamed as she went through this portal, blue swirls clouding her vision. Once the blue swirls were gone she noticed something different.

   She was somewhere else. In Paris. Now how did she get to Paris? As she was walking around the city, someone yelled. "Akuma!" Then everyone started running.

   "Why are they running?" SheZow thought, "And what's an Akuma?" She continued.

   Just then she heard a crash, she ran towards what the sound was to see a 90s comic book villain? "Just where am I?" She asked.

   The villain approached SheZow, and almost attacked her. Then a lady with a red skin tight suit with red polka dots grabbed her.

   She set her down at a nearby building. Then asked her "Are you alright! You almost got hurt by that Akuma." "So that's an Akuma?" SheZow questioned.

   "Yes." "And who are you?" SheZow continued. "Ladybug." The superheroine, otherwise known as Ladybug, informed.

   "Why are you looking at me like that?" "You're new here. Aren't you." Ladybug said. "M'lady Look out!" A boy screamed as the Akuma attacked the two girls.

   SheZow blocked the attack with ease, to the other two heroes' surprise. After getting over their shock, they fought the Akuma as well.

   "Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug shouted as she threw a stick in the air. After that everything was swept over by small red beings, returning it to it's original state; as if it never happened. "Pound it!" The duo said in unison as they did a fist pump.

   "Now. Who are you?" "And how do you have a miraculous?" Ladybug asked. "A what now?" SheZow replied. "If you don't know what a miraculous is, then how do you have one?" She further questioned.

   "I don't know what that is, and neither do I have one." Just then Ladybug's earrings beeped, and so did the cat's ring. "Thats weird." SheZow stated as they ran off. As SheZow started to leave the area, she was swarmed by the same blue swirls from earlier.

   Guy woke up in his bed, completely confused at what just happened. He the got dressed, considering it was a strange dream. He then went to school to meet Maz, and his sister who already left.

   Once he arrived at the school, he saw Kelly and Maz waiting for him. He ran to the two. "Dude, yesterday was so weird." Maz stated as they walked. "What do you mean?" Guy asked. Kelly butted in "Do you really not remember when you got sucked into that blue swirl?"

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