The Artist and The Blunder

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   Cold Finger is currently sitting in a park, painting something. It was a little hobby of his; in his spare time, he would paint anything he wanted. Today he wanted to paint the park.

   He continued his painting, even included some people he saw at the park. Whoever was sitting on the bench, he painted. Today it was a guy and a girl, chatting as they sat.

   Guy was sitting in the park, chatting with his sister. He saw an easel in the distance, and decided to go and ask the artist what they were painting. He's a curious guy after all.

   "What are you painting?" Guy asked. "The park" Cold Finger replied. Guy panicked, realizing who it was. "Why?" he questioned further. "I like to paint." Guy smiled at that. "He likes to paint." he thought.

   "Can I see it?" "If you're here when I finish." Cold Finger stated. "Can I watch you?" Guy said. "Sure!" Cold Finger answered. As they continued talking, Kelly slipped away from them.

   After an hour or two, the painting was done. "That's it! The painting is finished." Cold Finger yelled in delight. Guy stood up, and looked at the painting. "It's beautiful." he said. As they were about to continue chatting, Guy's She-s-p went off.

   "I have to go." Guy said. He ran off, as the villain arrived. The villain was no other than Mockdipus. "What are you doing here, Mockdipus?" Cold Finger asked disappointingly. "What are you doing here, Mockdipus?" he replied mockingly.

   SheZow showed up, defeated Mockdipus, and took a breather. Strangest thing to Cold Finger was that she knew he was there, but wasn't attacking him.

   As she flew away, Cold Finger had a crazy idea. What if SheZow wasn't actually a girl, but the guy he was just talking to. "That's impossible, but it's the only explanation that makes sense!" Cold Finger thought as he walked home.

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