The Hill

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SheZow was out with her twin and her friend. Of course we know those two by the names of Kelly and Maz. They were out to defeat Mockdipus for the twelveth time that week and, let's just say, SheZow was not happy about this.

After defeating Mockdipus they decided to drive to a secluded area. Little did they knew someone was following them.

SheZow parked the sheicle and Kelly, Maz, and herself walked to the top of a hill and sat down. When they were seated SheZow turned back into Guy.

"You did good today Guy" his sister complimented. "Yeah, that was incredible!" Maz cheered. Guy replied "I know, but it's the twelveth time this week! I'm done fighting Mockdipus over and over again!"

"I got you now SheZow!" the freezing villain name Cold Finger stated. Only to see three teens sitting there, and a boy where SheZow should've been. "Where is SheZow!" he demanded.

"She went that way!" Guy screamed pointing in a random direction. "Just don't hurt us!" Kelly finished while putting her arms up. Cold Finger looked in the direction Guy pointed, only to see it led to a brick wall.

"Alright where is she really" Cold Finger turned around saying. Only to be met face first with a fist. He passed out, and when he awoke he saw himself sitting on the hill. With no one in sight.

"Who is she?" He sighed.

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