Sleepy Time.

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  It was midnight, and SheZow does whatever SheZow usually does in this fanfic book, fighting villains.

  When she defeated the villains, it way past her bed time, and she was tired from her long day. So when she got home, she wasn't very sneaky.

SheZow was walking up to her room, too tired to see who was around her. Unfortunately her mother saw this occurrence. SheZow's mother didn't know her son was SheZow.

You read that correctly, I said son. You see, SheZow is actually a boy, and that boy's name is Guy.

  Back to the story.

  Guy's mother watched as SheZow went into Guy's room, and then plop on the bed, face first of course. Before she could retaliate SheZow's odd behavior, SheZow detransformed into her son, Guy.

  She was shocked, to say the least. Her son was the glamour-rific, she-tastic, SheZow. His mother sat there in silence, too surprised to speak.

  She was still speechless until two words came out of her son's mouth, those two words were enough to leave him to his slumber. Those two words were "Sleepy time".

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