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Requested by Athena22113. Quick note this is another Cold Finger x Guy/SheZow.

   Cold Finger decided to team up with S.I.C.K, an organization he really couldn't care for.

   The reason he wanted to team up with them is to take their pros and cons, and put them into his own plans. So imagine his surprise when Monkey Man walked into the main office with a plan that just might work.

   "I have a ray that will make anyone fall in love with what they see! I can use this to have multiple devoted followers, take over the world, and finally take down SheZow!"

   "We take over the world." The other villains stated. "Yes... We." Monkey Man corrected himself reluctantly.

   "And on top of that, we can finally hear the end of Cold Finger's constant fangirling." Candy Rapper said. Cold Finger blushed.

   You see, Cold Finger has had a crush on this person for a long time. His name is Guy. He would see Guy around helping people, or just genuinely being amazing.

   Even if he is a villain, forcing someone to love them just seems so wrong. That's why he decided to sabotage this plan. Even if it was a great one.

   As Monkey Man was about to leave the base, he called Cold Finger. "You are to be my serv-uh, partner this time." Cold Finger found it as the perfect opportunity, foil his plans, get payback for almost being called a servant.

   As Monkey Man was wreaking havoc, Cold Finger was thinking of ways to stop him, but never could find a decent plan. SheZow was no where in sight either.

   SheZow couldn't be found for one reason, and one reason only. She was sick in bed. Guy Handom, otherwise SheZow, was struck with a cold.

   Sleeping soundly in his bed, unaware of the villain attack. Until "She-mergency, She-mergency" was blasted in his ears, and awoke him.

   "I'm not doing it Sheila. I'm sleeping." He said. "You have to." She replied. "Do I though?" "Yes." "NOT doing it!" Guy screamed.

   "And I'm doing it." SheZow said as she left the house in her sheicle. As she arrived, she was immediately attacked by civilians. "That's new." She thought.

   Once she decided she had enough of getting attacked by anyone that saw her, she hid in an alleyway, deciding to figure out the situation he was in.

   He looked around the city, sick as dog, wondering how his life went from skateboarding with his friends to walking around town feeling like he was gonna die.

   He then heard Monkey Man scream "Come out, SheZow! We have a few new friends on our side." As Monkey Man continued a long boring speech Guy followed his voice.

   Once he saw where the villain was, he also saw Cold Finger there as well. "Looks like we have someone here who hasn't been hit yet." Monkey Man stated. "Find them, and bring them to me."

   Guy blended in as much as possible, and he got away successful. Who knew Monkey Man could have a decent plan for once." Guy thought as he transformed back into the glamorous SheZow.

   SheZow tried to use little to no force getting through the civilians, after all, it isn't their fault they're being controlled. She ended up getting captured, and brought to Monkey Man.

   Cold Finger could've sworn that was everyone then, but he still hasn't seen Guy. That's when it hit him. What if SheZow wasn't a girl out of costume.

   As SheZow was infront of Monkey Man, about to be zapped by his latest invention. Cold Finger quickly grabbed the invention, and smashed it.

   "Oops. My hand slipped." He said as Monkey Man's face became red. He screamed at Cold Finger as the people were going back to normal.

   In the middle of his rant, he felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned around to see multiple angry people. He then ran away as many people chased after him. Leaving Cold Finger, SheZow, and a few others stunned.

   Everyone went home. SheZow confused about why Cold Finger had saved her, civilians cheering on SheZow once again, and Cold Finger permanently banned from S.I.C.K.

   "Guess it wasn't all bad." Cold Finger thought. "Now I know who SheZow is, why she doesn't remember me, and I don't even need to be evil anymore. Might just do it to mess with him though."

   He ended his thoughts there, his new reason to be a villain found. Besides, what wouldn't you do to hang out with your crush.

   A/N sorry 'bout my terrible updating schedule, hope you enjoyed this mess, and stay safe!

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