The Question part 2

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    This was requested by deadbrainedhuman  so here it is!

   Guy, Kelly, and Maz were currently walking throughout the town, towards the local park. That's when an awkward conversation topic was brought up.

   "So, how was the date with Cold Finger?" asked Maz. Kelly elbowed him.

   "It's alright, Guy, you don't have to tell us." Kelly said, a bit panicked.

   "It was kind of nice. He was actually pretty sweet." Guy answered, a bit embarrassed.

   "That's the point." Cold Finger stated. "I'm not stupid, SheZow. So, is that a yes or a no?" 

   Guy stopped, looking at the villain. Then Cold Finger turned to him as well. They say in silence for a moment.

   "You can always say no, I'm not gonna attack you for doing so." Cold Finger said in hopes of reassuring the superhero.

   "Yes." Guy stated, "I'll give you a chance. Consider it me repaying the favor for saving me earlier."

   They both silently walked on, trying not to make the situation more difficult to take. As they reached Guy's house, Cold Finger stated, "hey, meet me at the cafe down lane street tomorrow at 5. That's when we'll have our date. Also, call me Tim."

   The next day, Guy arrived at the cafe, a little bit late. He looked around, and found Cold Finger with a bag in hand.

   "See you around, sir" the cashier stated. Cold Finger turned to see Guy in the doorway. He walked over to Guy, asked him to follow, and they both walked out of the cafe.

   "Where are we going? I thought we were gonna stay at the cafe." Guy asked confused.

   "You'll see; it's nothing bad. I actually hope you like it." Cold Finger stated.

   They continued to walk, and they passed a few buildings. After awhile of walking, Guy realized they were no longer in town, and in a forest.

   "I might die here." Guy thought, "no, my She-sp will warn me of there's danger."

   "Here we are." Cold Finger stated. Guy looked around, surprised at his surroundings.

   They were on a hill, overlooking the town. There was also a little blanket on the ground.

   "Come sit." Cold Finger said, and Guy did so. "I wanted a picnic, but I don't trust my cooking, so I decided we could get the food at the cafe for it." He explained as he sat down.

   Guy made a sound of sudden understanding, and smiled. This was the first time he's been on a picnic like this.

   They enjoyed each other's company, and ate. They chatted, talking about their own lives, and about their origins.

   "I first became SheZow because I found the ring in our house's basement. Kelly pointed out it was SheZow's ring, but I didn't believe her. So I put it on, and joked. Next thing I know, I'm in a dress fighting crime!" Guy exclaimed, happy that he could tell this story.

   "Mine wasn't as light hearted, but I'm glad you had someone there for you." Cold Finger stated, smiling.

   The sun started to set, and Cold Finger asked, "may I hold your hand?" Guy complied; and they sat there, hand in hand, watching the sunset.

   After the sun was set, Cold Finger walked Guy home. When they were outside his door, Guy kissed Cold Finger on the cheek and said "Goodnight, and thank you for today. It was wonderful."

   "I actually wouldn't mind a second date." Guy stated embarrassingly, remembering last week's events.

   "Really, dude? I want to know how it went! It must've been nice if you wanna go on a second one!" Maz screamed.

   "Shh!" Kelly continued "Not so loud Maz, and he doesn't need to tell us anything if he doesn't want to." She paused for a minute, "I am curious though."

   "I'm just gonna say it was nice, and I probably wouldn't say if he asked me again." Guy said.

   Guy, Kelly, and Maz have reached the park. They sat on a bench for a while, chatting about school work. After a few minutes of chatting, Kelly and Maz left to grab some ice cream, leaving Guy alone on the bench.

   "Hey, can I sit here?" Cold Finger asked.

   Guy looked up, and realized who it was. "Sure, I wouldn't mind."

   "I'm glad." Cold Finger said, sitting down next to Guy.

   They sat in silence for a bit. Until Guy stated, "last week was nice, Tim. I'm glad you asked me."

   "Yes it was." Cold Finger said, "would you like to go on another one?" Guy sat still for a bit.

   Kelly and Maz came back with their ice cream just in time to hear Cold Finger's proposal. "Yes he would!" Kelly and Maz said in sync. Guy looked at them embarrassed, and so did Cold Finger.

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