Time Travel to the Future part 3

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   A week later Cold Finger remembered something future SheZow had said. "Just two days ago SheZow (from your time) came here with her partner, and we had to get them home."

   "That meant that SheZow might know that he marries me in the future!" Cold Finger thought. So he thought up a plan to see if SheZow knew.

   The next day Cold Finger saw Kelly, and approached her. "Do you mind telling me your twins name?" He asked her. "Why?" she questioned. "Well..." Cold Finger's face flushed, and she noticed.

   "Do you like my brother!" She asked surprisingly. "Maybe." Cold Finger replied. "His name is Guy, and he IS single, just so you know" she answered with a wink.

   She walked away, leaving Cold Finger speechless. "Name? Check. Embarrassment? Check." Cold Finger thought.

   "Alright next part of the plan, which is to battle him tomorrow and watch his movements. If he shows signs, I'll send him a note, if not then the time will come." Cold Finger planned as he walked.

   "What the heck did that villain do to me? My temperature is through the roof!" Cold Finger heard. He followed the voice as it spoke. "I'M GONNA WHAT!" the voice screamed.

   Cold Finger turned the corner to see a hologram and Guy. They both stared at each other."So much for my plan" "Do you need help?" Cold Finger asked. "Yes please." Guy answered.

   "What's wrong?" "Someone shot me with a ray thats making my temperature rise by the second". Guy explained.

   Cold Finger walked to the boy and starting using his powers to cool him down. "Thanks, but why are you helping me?" Guy questioned. Cold Finger stayed silent, but had a slight blush.

   "You went to the future. Didn't you?" Guy asked. "How do you know?" "Monkey Man." Guy answered.

   "What happened to your Finalizer Monkey Man?" SheZow asked. "Because it doesn't do what it should have!" the villain screamed.

   "How did you find that out?" "I shot Cold Finger with it, and he just reappeared a few seconds later!" Monkey Man said embarrassed by his failure.

   "He went through time like I did? Could he know?" SheZow thought. As she thought of this she was blasted by Monkey Man's Heatinator. She didn't notice the affects until after the battle.

   "Surprise?" Cold Finger said awkwardly. "Yep." Guy smiled. They were blushing as Cold Finger helped him with the effects of the ray. With Kelly fangirling behind a wall.

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