Walking to the building was refreshing yet lonely. I guess I really am just coming down from the high I had yesterday. Though my skin feels different to me. The thoughts of him walking with me, getting in his car and getting the minty smell he wore so well together with his adorable smile. All still seemed fresh to me and like an experience, I didn't want to forget.

"You came! Finally, I was so worried. Are you ok?" Apollo practically ran to me if it wasn't for his ability to hold a powerful state.
I laughed at how he grabbed me by the shoulders as if he's seeing a different person.

"I'm fine, just..." I hesitated, "...Felt sick, that's all, " he frowned at me.

"You could've called me at least. I was almost late to class, " he complained, and I roll my eyes. This what I get for being friends with such an organised person.

"I'm sorry, I really am, " I said sincerely as we began our way to music. Thank God he didn't point out anything despite standing so close to me.

"It's fine as long as you feel better." He chuckles. "So, how did the interview go?"

I smiled widely at him, "Amazing. I mean I got it is that's what you're asking."

"Really! Grace, that's amazing. Congratulations!" He says, his eyes bright and his lips in a wide smile.

"Thank you. I really thought it would've been so nerve-wracking, but it really was great." I gushed.

Yeah, if it wasn't for one specific person then you probably wouldn't have gotten that job my subconscious adds and I shake it off.

"Grace, you really have to work on believing in yourself. I mean you tried then you'd probably be a helluva big influencer." Apollo explained, his hands moving around like always and I laugh at him. I should probably call my mom later and tell her about this, I'm sure she'd be happy.

"He wasn't in yesterday too," Apollo says nodding his head towards our usual spot where we walked and there sat a casual-looking Chase almost unbothered. My heart drops at the sight of him again, I did not think about the repercussions of what happened last night and what might happen in class, but I guess I'll just have to see actually bothers to change.

We walk towards there and his eyes immediately snapped to us, his lips twitching into his all-knowing smirk. "Morning nerds, " he mocked.

I hear Apollo huff but I could just keep my eyes on Chase as we sat down. The way he's looking at me seemed odd, even for him.

"Where were you this morning?" I whispered to him, careful not to let Apollo hear. Then I realized how needy that sounded.

"I had to go home babe, I would wear the same clothes." He says, and I flushed at the name he used, feeling the butterflies in my stomach flutter. "And I would've stayed, especially after how you said my name while you were asleep."

I accidentally dropped my book at his words, startling Apollo, who looked at me weirdly. I can already feel my cheeks heating. I reached out to grab my book, but Chase already did. A bigger smirk dawned on his face.

"I did not."

"Did too." He pushed and instead of getting mad, I'm only ashamed.

I feel him leaning closer to me as the lesson went on its way.

"I'm sure everyone would be more than happy to see what I did to you last night, won't they?" His soft words sent shivers down my spine like they always do as I feel him tug on the neck of my shirt, pulling it down just a bit, enough to let the marks show.

I swat his arm away, and he chuckles as I flushed. "I admit, I was a bit too rough, "

"Yeah, you think?" I sassed with a laugh.

"You liked it, " he said, and I could hear just how good that made him feel. I'm sure at this point I just look like a ripe tomato.

Then a sting hits me. So what does this mean? Does he feel something for me, or is this just messing around for the hell of it? I mean surely this doesn't mean we'll date, but if not then what is it?

"I hate it when you go silent like that, " his indistinct voice pulls me out of my thoughts again like he was reading it.


"When you go silent. It's either your thinking about some stupid nerdy shit or planning another way to fight me, " I laugh at his comment. I didn't think he was the person to think way.

I open my mouth to say something but decided against it. Look how quick it was for me to forget where we came from. We were cat chasing mouse just a few days ago—things don't flip that fast. But he's talking as if we've done this for so long, and I don't know what to think about it.

Taking my silence as the end to the conversation, he said nothing else and just stayed silent along and listened to the lesson until the end. But for me—I swam in the thoughts I doubtfulness and regret as I usually do. There is not one thing in my life that I don't doubt,

You sure didn't doubt last night. My subconscious would have its input now and then, and I really couldn't help but agree with it at times.

"So are you staying here?" Apollo chuckled and I look around to find that half of the room disappeared and Mr Browne is already preparing for his next class.

"She does that, it's like she's high or something, " Chase joked as he stood there as if waiting for me. I swat my hand at him but he moves away faking innocence.

I look over to Apollo who had a suspecting look and I flush.

"So you two on better terms?" He asked I opened my mouth but Chase cut me off.

"I would never have asked you if you were gay, right?" Chase rudely stated and my eyes widened and so did Apollo's. I can't believe this boy, I just can't.

"Chase, what the hell?" I call him out as we made our way out.

"Just saying, he should mind his business if he wants me to mind mine, " he shrugged and I roll my eyes at him. Oh, I've definitely forgotten just how arrogant and rude he is.

"Hey, what's up guys? Didn't see any of you yesterday." The screeching noise of the voice I've learnt to hate came on.

I see Chase tense up at the sight of Courtney, his playful features dissolving into the closed-off kind. His jaw clenched, and he crossed his arms big beneath the tight black shirt he wore. I'm getting side-tracked, aren't I?

"Courtney, " Chase greeted harshly and I watch the exchange of their gazes with a confused look

"Oh, babe, I missed you." She replied by planting a kiss on his cheek while on her tiptoes. Ouch.

I feel the familiar flame of anger ignites in me at the sight. Am I jealous? Why would I be? Oh yeah, we were never just more than friends. He isn't locked up around my fingers, he's a free man, so who am I to be angry—right?

Chase's eyes meet mine as Courtney wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him tightly. It's like they were never even playing a game.

I look over to Apollo who seemed to be in his protective state as he watched the scene unfold, probably sensing my discomfort.

I feel a sting touch my chest as Chase's indifferent gaze met mine, never letting Courtney go. I don't care, I shouldn't care. Nothing happened, it was only a kiss, and he never touched me. It meant nothing.

Yeah, besides the marks you're desperately trying to hide right now. My subconscious adds and I shake it off.

"So, are you coming to the party this Saturday? Haven't seen you in one for a while, " Courtney said, his eyes looking me up and down as if judging me.

I look over to Chase, his same dead eyes never changing, but he shifts uncomfortably. He notices my gaze, and he looked away and I got my answer, the answer to what we are.

"No, sorry. We have to get to class now, " I say abruptly, the anger in me swirling with pain and sadness as I practically pull Apollo away, running as far as I can. I feel humiliated and disappointed in myself because just like I've told my myself so many times before—

We are nothing, and we will never be anything.

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