Chapter 72: Preparations

Start from the beginning

"Say Marcus," said Bullseye. "Do you think that James Baron has gone beyond our strength?"

"Depends on how far he's travelled," said Marcus. "We have a lot of strength we never use. I know I do, at least."

"You're not planning on using any gamma radiation are you?" asked Bullseye.

"No, and geez, Bullseye, why'd you mention that in front of the kid? She's run off now... it'll be a big pain if she tells everyone we're dangerous or something."

"Nah, she just got the info she wanted. She's a curious person and it shouldn't be all that surprising, given where we are."

"Yeah I know, people in the Terminus have a different cultural standard and as a result are more inclined to question things."

Marcus and Bullseye looked up to the sky as they thought about what the future may hold.

Barronym Island was attending to the needs of its people. Halberd, Colin Closingtime, and Ollacosta Adams were seeing to concerned citizens and hearing them out.

"So you see, sir, some of the dinosaurs have not been mindful of our farms, trampling and eating our crops," said a citizen.

"Look, I'm aware of the issue and working on a solution. It's a complicated problem, though, so I'm not sure..."

"I have the time, Your Highness."

"Very well, but do not interrupt me next time, and do not be so formal. King Halberd is enough."

Halberd went on to explain the details of his plan to address the misbehaving dinosaurs. It would require relocation of the farms to more secluded places, and training the dinosaurs to live in harmony with humans as they used to.

The newspapers of Barronym had been limited to local news, even before the closing of the airport. It was a call from Indigo that would inform Halberd of the events that transpired at Snyke's Penitentiary. This was some time after he had finished his duties for the day.

"So, how's Zephyr doing?" he asked.

"Excited for the next phase, enjoying his freedom, and such," said Indigo. "You should be more concerned about your role."

"Yes, you are making preparations for Amperes and Bolster to take my place at the Gathering. You've also mentioned that we are going to be resurrecting Orange."

"Yes, the organic androids can never truly die, not if the universe is to be saved... it was too early for him to be around, though he served a purpose being here."

"Well, when can I expect your arrival?"

"I'll be on my way in due time. As you might have guessed, you are missing the Gathering because our business will need to be conducted at around the same time."

Indigo made clear her plans to revive Orange, and who she wanted to involve in the process. Halberd listened attentively and was optimistic about the future. In two months time, Indigo and Halberd would gather around Orange, accompanied by Harper Wales, Ernest Summers, and Ollacosta Adams.

Zephyr was on an island in the North Sea, the 'Jagged Forest' Up Creek Island. Before his job as Warden, he used to hide out here and live off the land. Now, as he travelled on the wind, he sensed the presence of someone else on his island.

He flew through the air, almost swimming through it, to find the source of a peculiar smell he picked up on shortly after arriving. It seemed to be coming from somewhere deep in the island's dense forests. A smoke-like smell... perhaps from a chimney. He continued to dash through the air at a high speed, until he found it.

A small cabin had been built in a patch of clear ground. It appeared to be made from wood and clay. He eyed the unfamiliar structure curiously, before someone caught his attention. From his right, he heard a holler.

"Legend tells this used to be your place, it would seem that it is true," said the voice that had called out.

Zephyr turned to look at the source of the voice. Darque Storm, a Gentleman Minor, had been living here for several years. The simple fact that Zephyr had shown up here had given her the opportunity she needed to put her plan into action. That is, if the android she had just come face-to-face with was willing to negotiate with her.

"A historic event occurred, that no doubt freed several of your colleagues in the Gentleman's Club, and you are here..."

"Yes, well, everyone has their assignments."

"And what is yours?"

"To infiltrate Indigo International."

"How bold. You knew that Indigo would see through your lies, and instead opted for the truth. Now it's just a matter of seeing whether Indigo will allow it."

"It's what I'm counting on."

Earlier that week, Darque had caught Thomas Dreamer and Dorothy Gale engaged in a conversation with Indigo. Though she was surprised, she understood their strategy. There was no major conflict between the organisations, and working with 2I rather than against them could help the GC in future.

Darque's plan to infiltrate Indigo International came not from a place of wanting to dismantle it, but to understand the main motivators behind an organisation that seems to do whatever it wants. A means to properly assess the true nature of 2I.

James wrote in his Captain's Chronicle, something he had not been able to do since entering prison, and something that had never gotten tiresome for him. Though he stopped counting the days after the first hundred, he always enjoyed the activity.

Captain's Chronicle: 8/10/4099

It has been over a year since I started sailing. My crew now stands twelve members strong, and not a single one would I go without to my next destination: the Terminus. I have heard many great things about this sea from those who have been there, and those who have read about it. If even half of those things are true, then I am excited to see these wonders of the world for myself. A floating island? An oil monster? A kingdom ruled by vampires? I am amazed by such notions.

I know the more accessible world has its share of oddities... aliens, kraken, dinosaurs, pirates and navy with unbelievable power, but there's a certain amount of mystery to the Terminus. It's something that I feel I need to see for myself. Hopefully I can become more powerful on the way to the Gogh Strait, as the time I spent in prison opened my eyes to the strength of the competition. Most pirate crews are further along in their journey: more experience, more power, more people. I know my crew are capable of greater things, and I hope I can help them get there. Our greatest adventure is on the horizon.

"Hm, you're a very reflective person, aren't you?" said a voice.

James looked to find visible sound waves hovering behind him. He was a little disturbed.

"Relax, it's just your Aunt Munge! Let's all get along, okay?"

"What? When did you decide that you could just come into my room and start acting like getting along was even an issue?"

"Well, I'm just glad you keep your Captain's Quarters clean, I never could stand how messy Crock was!"

"Can you get out, please? I'm trying to be alone with my thoughts, and you're making things awkward!"

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