Author's Note

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Hello there. Thank you for choosing to give my story the time of day. I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. With that said, I want to say a few things here (and I will try to keep it brief).

You may notice that I have given the story a Mature rating on Wattpad, but have not rated it elsewhere. This is because I feel the story is at a 15+ recommendation level, with coarse language and violence recurring throughout the story. However, Wattpad's guidelines require any story with themes pertaining to suicide to be rated as Mature. Rest assured I intend to treat all instances with the due seriousness, regardless of their rarity in the overall story.

So, in regards to content, yes, there will be violence, death, language, and the occasional other mature themes. If you do not want to read about things of this nature, I do not recommend that you read this story. If you can handle stories containing these things, then I encourage you to read on. I hope to do a lot with the story I have.

The story is marked as a draft version because it is a work-in-progress. I have no idea how much my writing will have improved by the time I've finished the whole thing, and when I go back to edit the story, I want to have a full working story behind it. Even so, I want to share my progress with anyone who cares to read this story in its current state.

Lastly, I appreciate those who are willing to read my works. That's time out of your day to read about... a detective who's also a pirate? Yeah, that's my idea. If you read a chapter and you liked it, consider leaving a vote. If you have feedback, don't be shy, I want to hear what you think.

Anyway, I think I've said enough... onward, to adventure!

Terminus Part I: The Journey There (Draft)Where stories live. Discover now