Danny x Reader/Girlfriend - Wishes

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Y/N M/N L/N: your name, middle name, last name


You and Danny had planned a night every other month where you guys went out stargazing. You both loved seeing the stars that were out there. You both were so amazed by them.

You guys would have gone out every night you could, however, Danny was always on your with Hollywood Undead. You loved and hated being the girlfriend of a band member. You always had to deal with hate and other unnecessary things.

Although, you didn't care about that anymore, you loved Daniel so much, you'd go though anything just to be with him, and he would do the same for you.

"Danny, you ready baby?" You smiled and walked into the car.

"Yes babe," Danny smiled and got into the drivers seat of the car, you got in and blocked yourself up.

It was 12:00am. You guys loved having late nights out where you just, went to your peaceful spot out in the country.

This was both of your guys' favorite thing to do together, you had other dates yes of course, but this was your first ever date with him 2 years ago. You both still love to stargaze and look at the stars with one another.

Danny drove to your guys' spot that you both loved. You guys got out of the car and Danny set up a blanket in the grass. You grabbed your drink and snacks for the both of you.

You got out of the car and laid next to Danny. You put your head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around you.

You both looked at the stars. There was a shooting star.

"Woah," you and Danny both said and then giggled.

"Ooo look, Gemini, you can see it, the Twins," you say and smile, you carved out the Twins with your eyes.

"Oh, yes, I see it," Danny said and smiled. Danny grabbed your hand and you guys intertwined your fingers.

You smiled at the action Daniel took, you looked at your hands and then back at the stars.

"Oh, look at that one, I think that's a planet," Danny said, using his other hand to point out the bright star, planet.

"Oh yeah, I think so too," you smiled, just then you seen another shooting star. This time you made a wish.

The wish was to be with a Danny for the rest of your life. You loved him very much. You guys had been together for 2 years now.

"I just made a wish," Danny said and kissed your head.

"Me too, I'm not telling you mine, I don't want to break mine," you say.

"Me either. Mine is something special." Danny chuckled and you smiled. You only could think about what he wished for.

You wanted to know his wish, but you didn't want it to break. They say if you tell anyone your wish it breaks.

Every time you guys had seen a shooting star, you guys made a wish. Your wish was always the same. You never told anyone it.

Maybe it will come true. Hopefully. You loved Danny so very much, and he loved you too, the exact same way, if not more.

"Y/n?" Danny asked and sighed.

"Yeah? What's up?" You asked and sat up.

"Yeah I know it's kinda hard to see since it's dark out," Danny said and sat up, he chuckled a little bit.

You could tell he was definitely nervous. But nervous for what?

"But can you stand here?" Danny asked. You had no idea what the hell he was doing or what was going to happen. You stood in the spot he told you to stand, you waited for him to come back from the car.

Danny turned on the car light so you had at least a little bit of light.

Danny bent down to one of his knees. He grabbed something out of his pocket and looked up at you.

"Y/n M/n L/n... will you marry me?" Daniel asked you, he opened the box to reveal your beautiful ring. It was exactly as you dreamed if would look like.

You gasped and did a little dance. Your wishes had came true as well. You wished that he would propose to you, that you guys will have kids.

Your wishes were always with Danny. You loved him so unbelievably much.

"Yes yes!" You say and Danny stood up, he put the ring on your finger and smiled at you, he kissed you with passion and you kissed him back. This was the best day of your life. Your wishes came true.

"I love you so much, I want to spend the rest of my life with you," Danny said and looked at you, you guys made eye contact in the dark of the night. With just that little bit of the car light.

"I definitely want to spend my life with you too Daniel Rose Murillo, I love you so much," you smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I love you more, you see these stars out here? How many of them? My love is every one of them... That is nothing compared to how much I love you, I love you way more than how many stars are out here," Danny said, you looked up at the stars, there was at least over 3 billion or so in the sky. You blushed and buried your head into Danny's chest, you couldn't believe how cute he was.

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