"You didn't speak at all, did you?" It was Dean who had spoken.

Eden didn't respond.

"You don't give a fuck about what happens to anyone, but once your safety is threatened, you go screaming." Dean snarled.

"This is not the time!" Chase yelled.

"She's got us all in danger and trapped in this house! She's the reason this is all happening!"

"Shut up already, Dean! She's stuck here as much as we are." It was Lili who said that.

"She's got everyone wrapped around her finger! You all know it's her fault, but you're turning on me?"

"If you don't want to stay here, then leave. There's always a way when one really needs it." Eden sneered.

"Show me the way then, m'lady. Get me out of this place. Unlike you, I actually have a family to go back to." Dean was pushing his limits.

"Not cool, dude." Chase said.

"Stop it, Dean. Just, leave it. You're digging a deeper hole for yourself." Jonah was the one who said it, shaking his head disapprovingly at him.

"Let him speak. I want to hear what he has to say." The venom in Eden's voice was clear.

"I know about your thing with Cullen. I know your one night stands and all the people you have screwed over. Druggie." Dean came to stand closer.

She was silent.

Dean stood face to face with her.

"You little shit." She seethed. Eden's heart sped up. She didn't know what she grabbed, but she smashed it on his head.

Dean groaned, falling back, blood pouring out of his head.

Eden let the mug fall from her hand to the ground.

That was it.

She stepped back. The others rushed over to him. Eden slipped away in the commotion.

Of course the officers heard this as well, and came over. Dean had lost consciousness.

Jonah's head spun.

No one told the officers what had happened. They were forced to take Dean out and to the hospital without any information.

Eden had retreated to her room, throwing about her stuff and collapsing on the bed, sobbing into the pillow.

Jonah barely made it to his story, without falling down the stairs.

He stumbled inside, closing the door and leaning against it. There was a lot of noise, and his head felt worse because of it.

Eden sobbed heavily. She was afraid. She was afraid she might have to face him again. She was afraid of Caleb. She was afraid of the look on everyone's faces when she hit Dean. She was afraid of what they would be thinking. She was afraid she had lost whatever she had built for herself. The overwhelming feeling wouldn't go away.

Jonah's hands reached for his pills, and poured himself water with shaky hands, spilling a great amount. He intended to take the pills, but his head kept him from doing so, and he rolled away from the desk, on the floor.

It was hours, before he could get up again, without falling back down. His nausea had settled, but his mind hadn't. He knew it was late, but he left his room. He needed to see her.


Eden opened the door before he could knock, throwing her arms around him, and they both went down to the floor in a mess. Jonah hugged her tight, squeezing shut his eyes, and she did the same. It was that moment that Eden realised she felt more than just attraction for him. She shut it down, however.

There were no words spoken. The two collapsed together, in Eden's bed, holding each other close.

Hours passed, night turned to day, yet they stayed that way, and Eden noticed his breathing turn soft and watched him slip off to sleep, and wake up and stay there with her.

Eden eventually sat up in bed. He pulled himself up too. Suddenly she didn't feel like being with him anymore. "You can leave." She let out, before getting out of bed and entering her bathroom.

Jonah's heart hurt to watch her turn away from him with such ease, after a night when they hadn't been able to let go of each other. He pulled himself out of bed, and out the door of her room. It was afternoon, but no one seemed to have come out of their room, other than Chase, whom he saw downstairs, before going there.

Chase watched his tired face, as he buttered his toast. "Still not feeling better from last night?"

"No." Jonah mumbled.

"Surprising, even after spending a night with a girl."

Jonah looked up in surprise.

"Don't give me that look." Chase rolled his eyes. "I came over to check on you, but you weren't in your room, and seeing as you and Eden have been spending nights together..."

"Can you please, not tell anyone?"

"Yeah, sure, but like, she literally tried to kill Dean yesterday, so I don't know how I feel about-"

"It wasn't her intention." Jonah interrupted him.

"Then what was?"

Jonah placed his hands on his head, letting out a frustrated sigh. "I like her."

"So I can see."

"But it's just a fling for her."

"She told you that?"

"Yeah, she thinks of me as a way to pass her time while we are trapped here, and expects me to think the same for her. We were- are friends with benefits, but, I don't know." Jonah looked down.

"Well, if what happened yesterday, had not happened, I would've told you to tell her. But, I apparently don't know her enough to know if it was a one time, in the moment thing, the thing with Dean."

"So what do you say I do?"

"Wait it out. See where time brings you two." Chase looks up from his plate, "How many times have you two slept together?"

"We sleep together almost every day."

"I meant sex... unless..."

"No, no. We only... had sex once."

Chase chuckled. "Well, just see where it leads, bud."

"Yeah, You're right." Jonah mumbled.

"Stop staring at my empty plate. If you want something, make it yourself." Chases spoke, taking his dish to the sink.

Jonah laughed. "I don't want anything."

"Well, I'm going back to my room, seeing as no one is planning to come out, so, if you want, we can play in there?"

"I'm gonna sit this one out. I just want to go back to bed, honestly."

"As you wish."

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