And I sleep to your voice while

You read the words off the pages

Eden rested her face on her hand, annoyed with herself. You can write about literally anything. Books, childhood, colours, friends, and yet you choose to write about him.

She sighed, pulling out her phone. It had been a couple of days since Sophia had visited. Their schedules were keeping them busy. Eden wouldn't get time to write, and when she did, she'd either write about him, or get distracted by him.

She put her pages back inside her drawer, getting off the chair in the music room. She began to head upstairs, scrolling through messages.

Jonah wasn't home, and she had to leave in an hour for a recording session. She got a bath and dressed as best as she could.


The session had ended and she stood off to the side, drinking from her water. She watched everyone move around, work with her voice.

She pulled out her phone, and had an idea. She checked Jonah's location, and left the studio.

It was a sudden plan, but she was elated nonetheless. She didn't really think off what she was doing, or why she was doing it. She probably would have stopped herself if she did think more.

She waited out the car ride, and got out of the vehicle with her sunglasses, ones she took off immediately once inside.

She took slow steps inside, the workers recognising her and letting her through. She stood to the side, and watched Jonah sing inside the space, smiling to herself.

We should've been more.

She heard the line, and felt a pang in her chest. It was a short while before he got out and had a little chat with everyone. It was then that he saw her. He excused himself and made his way over. Eden folded her arms across her chest.

"Hey. What're you doing here?" He asked.

"Just thought I'd pay you a visit." Eden bit her lip.

"If you missed me so badly, you could've texted me." Jonah smirked slightly.

"Don't flatter yourself." Eden rolled her eyes, her cheeks becoming rosy.

He chuckled, placing an arm around her waist.

"What do you write about?" Eden wondered, letting him pull her to the couches.

"Anything that's on my mind." Jonah mused.

"What was that song about. The one you were just singing?"

"It was about... Something that could be been more than what it was." Jonah sat down beside her.

Eden didn't ask further. She saw him reach out to get his bottle, and drink from it.

The sight of him and the words of the song triggered it.

"Do you think we could've been more?"

Jonah put down his bottle, not yet thinking much of it. "What do you mean?"

"Had I not left for that shooting in UK, could we have become something?" Eden bit her tongue. What are you doing?

Jonah looked at her, his eyes slightly wide. "You mean, as a couple?"

Eden looked down. "No, actually, whatever, it's not important."

"No, Eden, it is important." He grabbed her hands. "To me, as well."

"We should've been more, Jonah. But I didn't let it happen." Eden didn't look at him.

"Why didn't you?"

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