A week went by. Emilia spent most of her time in her bedroom, anxiously waiting for the call that would tell her that Millie woke up. It didn't come.

Eden had found some truth in Dean's words. A lot of what was happening was happening because of her. She didn't give it much mind however, still meeting up with Jonah and going about her days like normal.

And then came the call.

"Millie has woken up, but she's on life support. Her lungs... they're not in good shape." Millie's mother, Lauren, informed Emilia.

Emilia carried the message solemnly, to the rest of the house.

It was the next day, when Lili decided, enough was enough.

"We've been sloping around every day. We can't go out, that's one thing. But that doesn't mean it has to suppress our spirits. We're teenagers. Teenagers party all night and then go lie to their parents about where they've been. And we live for the thrill. So, I don't care, about what you idiots think, but I believe it's time that we invite some of our friends over and have a proper party. Slow songs first, and once we're all buzzed, we'll go for the faster ones, sound good?" A few opened their mouths, but Lili continued, "It better." With a pointed glare.


The house was large, and it took over hours' work to set up the room where the planned to spend their time.

Other actors, singers, and models, as well as non-celebrity friends, were invited.

Eden took a long look at the room they had set up. There were bottles of wine coming in, and she didn't want them to ruin the night.

There were officers outside, not really into the idea, yet were prepared to check every person that would come.

"Eden, come up, already. You need to get dressed too." Lili called to her.

Eden moved her feet to go upstairs. Once at her floor, she had her dressing and makeup done by the cast stylist. It all felt like it was a real gala they were going to.

Eden admired her pastel dress. Her hair were open and layered, and her heels were beige. Her earrings gave her a mature look, and she didn't know if she liked it. Nonetheless, it was time to go downstairs and greet everyone.


All the guests were mingling near the food, or on the dance floor, or drinking. The dances were slow, with the intention of making them fast once they were drunk enough. Eden steered clear of the drinks, and she was kept an eye on by Lili. She danced with many people. She knew everyone there.

Jonah danced with a lot of people as well and didn't touch the drinks either. He saw Eden doing the same, and at some point in the night, swooped her to the dance floor in his arms.

"You look great." Eden commented immediately.

"You don't look too bad yourself."

Eden rolled her eyes. "Didn't take you for someone to go slow on the dance floor."

"Tonight's special, for you."

Eden didn't reply. She danced with him, staring into his eyes, neither made an effort to come closer.

"Do you think, once this is all over... we can go back to our normal lives?" Eden asked.

"We'll definitely have a different perspective... by the time we're out. We'd all have changed." Came the response.

"Do you think it could be the person, I think it might be?"

"Of course, there's a chance." It was silent for a few minutes. "You look amazing."

"So you finally admit it." Eden smirked.


Lili slipped to where Eden and Jonah were, informing them to drop the formality, and everyone rushed to get changed.

Half an hour later, the room was a completely different sight. Everyone was now out of their formal attire and wore casual party clothes, and as the music picked up speed, so did the drinking.

Lili livestreamed the party for a little while, before putting down the phone and beginning to dance.

Eden was dancing too, as agile as she was, and her moves had been amazing on the camera too.

Many were quick to join her, certainly a lot of them were good at dancing. Lili danced with Liam, but the rest mingled with everyone, including Eden, who had had five dance partners by the time she pulled away from the crowd to take a breath.

Jonah had had a good time too. He didn't count how many times he switched dance partners. He was enjoying himself. He too, at some point, pulled away and went to the food side.

After popping a strawberry into his mouth, he saw Eden. She raised an eyebrow at him, as if she expected something. Jonah understood.

He went over and pulled her into the crowd. Everyone was over the edge, energised and excited. Their was no coordinated dancing anymore, everyone was just waving around their hands and moving their bodies to the beat. Eden and Jonah did the same, grinning at each other. It felt like a night at a club.

Eventually, people tired out and crashed on the floor, on the couches, anywhere one could go, they'd find people snoring away. Eden and Jonah, along with only a few others, managed to make it to their respective bedrooms, given that they hadn't drunk at all.

Both of them bathed, and put on what they would wear to sleep. However, Jonah had an idea. He pulled out his phone and texted Eden, "Wanna come over?"

Eden read the text almost immediately. She bit her lip and her hand went to one of the drawers, pulling something out. She smirked, hiding it really well in her night dress, even though it had no pockets.

Eden sneaked out of her room and slipped into Jonah's. She closed the door behind her and turned to face him. "Why'd you ask me to come over?"

"I was bored." Jonah shrugged, admiring her long legs, but looking back up so that she wouldn't realise.

Eden did realise, and she let her hair fall on her face, covering part of her smirk. She turned back towards the door, saying, "You know, calling me over would mean that you won't get much sleep." And they heard the door's lock that Eden had turned.

Eden turned back around to find Jonah, not an inch away, as he placed his lips on hers, and his lips worked on hers, burning with passion. Eden's mouth was on fire. Her lips danced with Jonah's, as he turned her so that his back would be in front of the door and her back would be facing the bed.

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