Eden waited out the evening, and once they all went home, she was happy to have Jonah to herself.

As soon as he closed the front gate, she came up behind him and placed her hands around his waist. His body rumbled as he laughed, turning around to look at her.

He tucked her hair behind her ear, smiling.

Eden pressed a light kiss to his jaw, and he returned one on her cheek.

She moved away, grabbing his hand, and pulled him further inside the house, and up the stairs. They reached his floor, and Eden pushed open the door to his room.

She sat down at the foot of his bed, watching him.

Jonah chuckled. He sat down on the floor, in front of her.

She frowned. "Why're you sitting over there?"

"I wanna go out. Not like, away, or anywhere, but like, there should be a balcony, to be outside without being out." He said.

"There is a balcony. It's blocked off, but we can get it open." She offered.

"There is? Where? How come I don't know?"

"It's on my floor."

"Why's it blocked off?"

Eden bit her lip. A pit formed in her stomach. "The previous owners got it blocked. Never bothered to open it again."

"Oh, okay. How do we... Uh..."

"I'll call some workers to get on it tomorrow." She moved back in the bed, the dread still filling her heart. "Come on. Lay with me."

Jonah got up and slid into bed beside her.

She tangled her legs with his, and pulled him close.

He planted a kiss on her forehead.

Taking a book out from the drawer of his side table, he began to read to her.


Eden and Jonah sat in the gardens, as their house was worked on. There were banging noises from the house too.

"It's still loud here. We should go." Eden suggested.

"Go where?"

"I don't know. Somewhere. I'll be taking you out."

Jonah looked at her. "You're taking me out?" He asked slowly.

"Yeah. Unless you want to stay here with the noise all day."

"You're delaying. See, I'm already off to get dressed." He said, standing up.

Eden grinned, getting up herself.

The two raced to the house, laughing together.

"I won!" Jonah announced, punching the air, his hair bouncing as he did so.

"Not fair." Eden protested.

"Are you sure?"

"... You have long legs."

"Don't you?"

Eden laughed. Jonah grinned, watching her.

"After this, we should go to the movies." Jonah said. He moved the straw around in his milkshake

Eden remained, quiet, glaring at him.


"That was supposed to be a surprise..."

"What? Going to the movies?"

Eden stayed quiet.

"Oh my God, seriously?" Jonah laughed.

"Well, it was the plan anyway. I'm the one taking you out."

Jonah gave her a grin. He looked so goofy, Eden wanted to pinch his cheeks. And so she did, leaning over the table to do so.

Jonah protested, but had to let her do it anyway. Eden laughed. "You're adorable."

"Barely even have cheeks." He replied, covering his cheeks.

"What are you talking about?" Eden laughed.

Jonah grumbled under his breath.

"Don't show me attitude, or I'll steal your milkshake." Eden warned jokingly.

"Not if I steal yours first." He grinned.


Jonah and Eden held hands, their hats covering their faces, as they made their way to their ride. Their car was parked in the secluded area in a street behind the cinema.

"I don't think we should go just yet." Jonah told her. "I'm quite sure we're both still mystified."

"Mystified." Eden laughed. "Sit in the backseat."

"Why-" he wasn't able to complete his sentence because Eden opened the car door and pushed him gently.

Once he was in, Eden entered from the opposite side. "We're not going anywhere for a while." Eden said, taking off her shoes and getting comfortable in the seat.

"Alright." Jonah too got comfortable, and they both sat, side by side, their vision still not cleared up. "Did you keep your glasses?"

"Yeah. They're in here." She patted the pocket that hung from the back of the passenger seat.

"Do you have anything on you?"

"There's my phone. Why?"

Jonah wasted no time, diving in for her. He kissed her, his hands pulling down the blinds of the car from his side, and then reaching out for hers. His hands then circled her waist.

Her hands went to his shirt, and she pulled away for a second. "May I?"

"Yeah." Jonah went for the kiss again, but had to pull away when she pulled his shirt off of his body.

Eden moved to sit on top of him, keeping the kiss going, until it turned into more.


It was a few days later, and life seemed to go on like normal. That was until, Eden sat down in her studio one day, to see six missed calls from Marie.

She called her back. "Hello?"

"Did you check the media? Harry Tunningstun has made a statement about your relationship on a TV show."

Eden opened Instagram immediately, and sure enough, he had done some damage. She opened the video on her phone and watched.

"I couldn't take it anymore. She was constantly forcing me to make a sex tape. I couldn't stay."

Eden watched in horror, dread filling her. Did he really say that? Did he really do this?

"And you're now part of her old record label, what's that about?"

"Well, they thought my voice was worthy, and asked me to sign. So I did."

Her Twitter and Instagram were filling up with mentions and tags, as people insulted her and made all possible comments about her.

"Hey, Eden? I saw what Harry said." One of the studio people, Frey said.

Eden didn't reply.

"I don't really know what to think of it. Harry isn't that great of a guy himself, but in the time I've known you, I don't think you're the kind of person who would do that. I don't really know what is true, but I hope it comes out." Frey then left her to herself.

It was obvious the others knew as well, because Eden could feel their stares.

She knew that right outside the studio would be the paparazzi, demanding answers. She didn't know how she would face it. She didn't know how she would go home and face Jonah. She felt herself crumbling again.

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