"A year!? Jamie a year from now I thought we'd be holding our baby in our arms, not just getting pregnant with one." She expressed, Jamie was getting stressed out by all this, she made him feel like it was his fault. He got up and left the room, he needed a minute. Eddie didn't know what was going on, she got up and walked out to see what he was doing. He held his hand up at her to stop her from getting closer.

"I just need a minute." He said and stood there with his hands on his hips thinking and taking a few breaths because he was gonna lose it.

"Jamie...-" Eddie started to feel bad.

"Eddie your making me feel like this is my fault, it's not my fault or yours! We're doing everything we can do...having sex on your ovulation days, your taking a prenatal vitamin already, hell we're even limiting our sex positions" he rambled off, Eddie stood there with her arms crossed looking at him.

"Are you done?" She said.

"Yeah." He felt better after getting that off his chest.

"I was going to say I'm sorry for dwelling on this so much. And I didn't realize I was making you feel like it was your fault, I really didn't have that intention at all." Eddie said and took his hand into hers looking down at it. Jamie didn't say anything he wanted to see what else she was maybe going to say. She looked up at him.

"It's not your fault Jamie, and I'm going to try and be more patient. I'm sorry." She said, he smiled lightly at her, accepting her apology. He pulled her in by putting an arm around her neck.

"I love you so much, I just want you to be happy." Jamie said still embracing her.

"I am happy." She said and pulled away.

"We're going to be late for dinner." She said.

"Yeah we gotta go, are you ready?" He asked, she shook her head yes and they headed out the door.

Later that night pop, Erin, Nikki and Sean were sitting around the table playing a game and Frank, Danny, Jamie, Eddie, were in the living room watching impractical jokers.

"Dad can I have a beer?" Jack came back from the bathroom and asked Danny.

"Uh no?" Danny shut him down.

"Come on I'll be 21 in a couple months it's not like I've never had one" he said. Frank made a face of surprise he just admitted to that.

"You really wanna say that in this house?" Danny said.

"Aw come on Danny one won't hurt." Jamie said taking a sip of his beer.

"Oh Jamie..." Eddie intervened, she didn't think it was his place to say.

"When you start popping them out you can make your own parenting decisions but this is my kid, my decision. You wanna be a parent?...like I said, start popping them out. I said no. Jack" Danny said. Jack accepted the answer and sat back down. Eddie thought about what Danny had said, remembering they're having trouble getting pregnant. She got up and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Frank came in less then 30 seconds after her.

"Hey." He called out to her.

"Hey..." she said not knowing where this was going.

"What's going on?" Frank came right out and asked her. She turned pale and shut the cabinet door getting a glass out.

"Oh nothing, just thirsty." She said hiding her feelings from him. He cocked his head not believing her.

"I saw your face in there... after what Danny said." he said. Eddie turned away from the sink and faced Frank across the kitchen island. She took a sip of water wondering if she should say anything. She exhaled and set the glass down. Frank waited for her to speak.

"...we're having trouble..." Eddie said simply as this conversation turned a little awkward. Frank stood there in thought looking at Eddie.

"Well I will be praying for you two." He said acknowledging what she was saying. Eddie did a half smile unsure if she should say more or let it go. Frank held out his arm for her to hug him. She got all emotional and hugged him. He couldn't imagine how she must feel. When they let go she stood there trying to get a grip. Frank gently rubbed the top of her back.

"It'll happen." He told her hopeful. She nodded wiping the tears away and then letting out a laugh.

"I know. I know." She said, they just kinda smiled at each other and then returned to the living room. Jamie observed Eddies face as she walked back into the room and sat down. Everyone was laughing at the tv. He looked at her concerned but not saying anything, wanting her to talk.

"I'm good." Eddie told him quietly. Jamie just took her word and put his arm around her knowing if his dad was just talking to her that there was a positive outcome to their conversation.

Born BlueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora