Chapter 64 - Love Sacrifice

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Wen Ning was getting worried: "Master Wei, please calm down."

Wuxian takes a deep breath and looks seriously at Wen Qing: "Why.. Why would you leave me behind? I went against everything.. everyone to make a life for you and your clan!"

Wen Qing smiles and says: "Because I loved you."

Wuxian was taken back by the sudden confession. She continues: "I loved you and I couldn't keep watching you long for your sister's embrace, long for Lan Wangji's attention and break all ties to your friends and family. I might be cold but I am not heartless."

Wuxian opened his mouth to say something but he was speechless. He knew Wen Qing was fond of him but he thought she shared her affections with his brother, Jiang Cheng, not him.

He looks at Wen Ning and receives a nod of confirmation. He knew and never mentioned it to protect his sister.

She tightens her grasp on Wuxian's hand: "I never said anything because the love you shared with Hanguang Jun was so precious and beautiful, mine paled in comparison. I am grateful for the few months I got to live with you, the home you built for us and the happy days we shared as a family. Please accept my sacrifice in good faith."

She looks at her brother: "He gave my life meaning and you, Wei Wuxian, gave me a purposeful death. I could ask for nothing more."

Wuxian looks sadly at her: "I'm sorry for raising my voice."

She chuckles: "You had every right. No worries."

Her expression turns serious: "Aning, if you believe that my needles will help Wuxian, then hand them over."

She glares at Wuxian: "Listen to the healer's instructions. I know how much you like to whine but not all healers have the patience of a saint like me."

Wuxian grunts and Wen Ning laughs.

Qing: "I can rest in peace knowing that you are both together, protecting each other."

She places Ning's hand in Wuxian's: "Never let go."

Wuxian lets go of the needle case after she smiles at them and nods her goodbyes.

Wen Ning: "Thank you. I never thought I would see her again."

Wuxian covers his face with his hands and sighs: "Wen Ning, don't ever sacrifice yourself for me. I don't think I can bear losing you."

Wen Ning pulls Wuxian into an embrace: "Together until the end."

Wuxian returned at lunch time to his room. He promised Wangji to share the meal with him. He entered to find Wangji playing his zither. He sits quietly in front of his soul-bond and listens to him play for a while. After a few minutes, he clears his throat to get his attention and Wangji looks up to stare at him.

Wuxian whispers: "We saw Wen Qing today."

Wangji continues to play, so Wuxian scratches his neck and says: "She said that she loved me."

Wuxian jumped a little when a few strings on Wangji's zither snapped.

Hanguang Jun took a loud, deep breath and stared with barely contained anger at Wuxian. Wuxian laughs awkwardly and says: ".. in the past. Before she, you know.. died."

Wangji stood up and walked over towards the door. When Wuxian didn't follow, he turned to glare at him. Wuxian: "We're not leaving until you get over this. I don't want any secrets between us."

Wangji gets out the door and shuts it behind him. Wuxian throws a mini tantrum on the floor and reprimands himself loudly: "Wei Wuxian! Why do you go borrowing trouble? Just my luck.. finding the most uncommunicative human being possible to be my soul-bond. She died 16 years ago for heaven's sake!"

The door opens again forcefully, revealing Wangji who's carrying a tray of food. Wuxian sits up straight and watches his soul-bond set up their table in silence.

Wuxian: "You know I never shared her feelings, right? I've never loved anyone but you."

Wangji: "I am aware."

Wuxian throws his hands in the air in frustration: "Then why are you jealous?"

Wangji sighs and whispers: "I've only had two things in life that I considered truly mine: Bichen and you. If I don't have the right to be jealous over you, then who does?"

Wuxian smiles slyly and inches closer, pinching Wangji's robes and pulling slightly: "You think I'm all yours."

Wangji glares at him: "I don't think. I know."

Wuxian ducks his head blushing and says: "So.. If you had to choose between me and your sword?"

Wangji grabs Wuxian's shoulders and pulls him in for a deep kiss then whispers: "Always you."

Wuxian leans in to embrace his soul-bond: "If you'll tell me stupid sweet things like this everytime you get jealous, then by all means.. be as possessive as you want. I am yours."

Wuxian spent the day with his soul-bond, trying his best to ignore his pending life-changing healing session. Healer Shi asked to meet them in the main hall and they were joined by Qiren, Zewu Jun, Yuxio and Lan Ran to debrief them about tomorrow's session.

Healer Shi: "As you know, the healing session will take place in the room given to me to treat Treasure Wei. The only people required to be present are Zewu Jun and Yu Yuxio. The rest must wait outside until the process is complete. I predict it will take 10 minutes to prep and 30 minutes of slow spiritual energy transfer and we will be done. The first session will be hard. We will know if the process is working if Treasure Wei feels immediate relief from his chronic pain. The downfall will be the exhaustion resulting from the body trying to compensate for the missing spiritual energy connection. As I said before, I will not be able to heal you with cultivation methods. I have stocked up with herbs and remedies to combat any emerging symptoms which will be slower working than what you're used to. Do you have any questions?"

Qiren: "I went over your proposed diet plan. I've stocked our kitchen with the type of meats you requested. How soon after the first session should he start following the plan?"

Wuxian turns wide eyes at his father: "What? Meat?"

Qiren smiles at him: "Don't fret son. It's more for Da Ziran than you."

Wuxian watched his snake slithers from him to wrap around his father in appreciation and he pets it affectionately.

Shi: "He should start the diet as soon as the first session starts."

Zewu Jun: "We planned to travel within two weeks. You mentioned that the healing sessions will happen weekly. Does that mean we cannot travel the day these sessions are planned?"

Shi: "I wouldn't recommend it for now. The days he receives these treatments will vary in difficulty depending on his reaction to them. I would stay put during those days to allow him enough recovery time should he need it."

Wuxian: "I know you said this before, but I want to make sure. I will be able to see spirits, grow the golden leaf tree and go through the past and future visions after this starts?"

Healer Shi nods: "These tasks are not related to your spiritual energy. They use an outside source as I explained in the book."

Zewu Jun: "Do you mind explaining it to us? These two hogged the book you made."

Wuxian smirks when Healer Shi smiles at Zewu Jun: "The visions are triggered by the energy given by the Earth Deity and stored in his hair, eyes and under his skin. Hence, the change in his appearance. The golden leaf tree is made from energy extracted from earth while the spirit summon is originally a natural ability he was born with, like drawing and singing, amplified by the energy in the White Jade ring. All these powers do not require his energy to be consumed, except for one."

She turns to Wuxian: "When you spirit summon, do not touch anyone else. That will not work because it requires spiritual energy that will be sealed."

Wuxian pouts but nods his understanding. She instructed that they all eat a full meal and have a good night's sleep. Tomorrow they will meet in the morning to start the preparation. Things are about to change. Hopefully for the best.

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