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Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble made green creatures.

Rapetou recognized at once the cry of the dilophorus.

It was like a reflex to flee when you heard that cry. It sounded like small birds or wild turkeys.

It was to fool the lonely predator and devour it better.

A dilo started running to the right of Rapetou and another to his left. They flanked him like a prey, but instead of biting him, he heard a cry that he understood in Dilo's language: "Follow live... Stay... Die!"

Rapetou did it all, he followed the Dilos. Kracou, panicked, wanted to follow them but was greeted by a sharp smile from the Dilos.

The lighter Dilos sneaked into the steep paths that would wound the Allosaurus and Gigantosaurus.

The lighter Dilos sneaked into the steep paths that would wound the Allosaurus and Gigantosaurus

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Dantinne was unrecognizable. she was more of a dragon than a raptor and she surpassed the other raptors and even Vicky.

His murderous rage even reached Wistala.

She sniffed around and saw the tracks of dilos multiplying.

"You can't get away from me like that, smart guy! You're going to pay for Kracou's death!" she whistled.

She was already bigger than the other raptors and was slowly moving closer to mine.

Already, a breath of ice was coming out of her mouth! She would be taller than an adult Vicky. Real dragon raptors!

Krakou was exhausted and every step was painful!

The lake, he thought to take refuge there but Vicky made a hook and wedged between the shore and Dantinne.

An Allosaurus would have fought and would have bitten until the end.

"He shouted Vicky Vicky Vicky, it's me Kracou! " but in Allosaurus .... But Vicky was a Giga, he understood a little, Gigas being cousins to the Allosaurs, and Rexes being cousins to the Raptors.

"KRaCOUUUUU!!!!" he shouted, stuck by the lake.

"KRaCOUUUUU!!!!" he shouted, stuck by the lake

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The Isle (TOME 7 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now