Draconic culture.

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Karin, Francois and Ingmar and his wife Anna were gathered in the Linton manor.

The party was raging

Akulathaxas and her parents were wrapped up in each other and incubating their big daughter.

Their rescued eggs were against them in a beautiful incubator, protected by carved, gold-plated corner pieces.

They couldn't stop crying with happiness at finally being together. Heater was also happy to be with her human parents and Ingmar with his wife.

Akulathraxas, as a human, got down on her knees to beg their forgiveness for all the evil she had done to him, herself a victim and traumatized by the massacre of her parents and her brother and little sister by humans.

Igmar understood and could finally forgive. Everyone had suffered to one degree or another and I had done everything to pick up the pieces.

At the party, no necrons or nod. It was private and familial with a few friendly colonists

The kids were playing with each other, humans, dragonets and dragosaurs.

I was in the middle of the room, full and tired, and I fell asleep between the paws of Dantinne, my beloved.

Everyone asked her to forgive me for having misjudged her and for having had a reaction close to racism. This was what could have defined prejudice, a bit like the racial hatred between whites and blacks and between dragons and raptors.

I listened to the music and my family talk, laugh, dance and drink... How good I felt and how I wished it would last forever.

Tomorrow will bring its own things... I was right, I was enjoying the moment.

The next day, it was tidy and then we decided to make a draconic council. The first real one, done between us and in total freedom.

They could see that politics didn't suit me and that Dantinne and I had nothing to do with it.

Linton invited everyone, except for the children and minor guests, to a huge Lords room, with portraits of his ancestors.

It was luxurious and huge, as if the room was expecting so many great creatures.

Linton: "Apart from the objectives mentioned a few days ago, we have to consider our reunion. This is very important.

Methuselah's presence is essential to our species!

It is time to rewrite our history, our gods, our writing and everything we have lost!

It is time to show the world that our species has nothing to envy to humans, that our knowledge, our technology and our magic are much more sophisticated!

Everyone screamed with joy!

Funds poured in and Linton made huge investments.

This did not escape the attention of state security, and an MI6 investigation took the lead.

A few days later, Akulathraxas asked to be heard at the parliamentary tribunal, a kind of UN.

She was able to step onto the stage, human, but terrifying with her huge canines protruding beyond her lips and the color of her skin. She was really more frightening as a human than as a dragon, but whatever...

On a holographic screen, she pulled out ancient artifacts from the Neolithic era to the early Middle Ages, when the draconic culture had died out, and she pulled out the draconic codex, showing our millennial history, art, culture and technology. Ancient maps.

Scientists and anthropologists did not understand where and how.

"We stole them from the Electrons when we fled. They had looted our possessions. "

She also told the story of their escape, and how they were able to return aboard the raven, a previously captured destroyer."

Then they showed our plan to make a dragon city with museums, and even a specially made university. Huge projects ahead.

This impressed the whole planet .... The dragons were far from being wild monsters playing human but were really a people. An exterminated people whose culture had been destroyed.

The ethnic minorities also saw in the dragons their own reflection.

But this made the warlords and the arms manufacturers angry. As always...

But what also hindered them was the immense, unsuspected wealth of the dragons. By pooling everything together and using the resources "confiscated" by my powers, we even created our own bank.

Not only were we fighting for our territory, but we were also preparing ourselves financially. The times to come were going to be particularly hot.

The dragons were no longer to be taken lightly and, even though we were outnumbered, we were gaining more and more weight in the economy.

It was also a form of war, economic and financial war.

We had to bring these humans to their knees and take back everything they had taken from us. If not from the front, then from the back!

Ator was also an excellent advisor, and his computers and AI were working wonders in the stock market.

In Africa, the situation was turning dramatic for government forces.

The jungles had become formidable death traps, at least for those who were armed.

And in a short time, the entire Gulf of Guinea coastal area fell into the hands of the NOD

Nigeria, in particular, still rich in oil, was a blow to the GDI.

The dragons and raptors were forgotten for a while... big mistake!

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2021 ⏰

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