First contact with humans

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John: "What in God's name is this! An intelligent life form and a super predator!"

Leah: "I'm Leah!"

Do you understand what we're saying?

I nodded yes with my head.

And I lay down and cried, joy, fear, sadness, despair!

Dragon, can we call you a dragon?

I nodded yes!

Why are you sad? Leah asked.

I drew a circle with a dot and showed me on the dot, just one dot.

Leah: Are you alone?

Yes, I nodded. But I made a circle with the seven raptors and ten dots. And I surrounded the circle with a heart and a dragon on it.

Leah: "Are you the dragon on it?"

I didn't understand English, but Leah was waving. I nodded.

I had a big communication problem there.

And then I made a cross on the planet and I drew a mushroom cloud and then erased myself.

Léa: "My God, he knows that the planet is going to disappear maybe and so does he!

Is that it? What do you mean? That the planet's going to explode and you're going to explode with it."

I started crying. ...and I showed the tablet in a skin and I showed the alphabet.

John: "He learned the alphabet from the children's play tablet. He's trying to communicate with us. He or she is smart. He or she has managed to make the tablet work. Can EVA analyze the tablet? EVA, connect with EVA nano!

The saurian speaks French and studies English. He doesn't understand English very well, if at all. Snippets but his intelligence seems to be equivalent to a human.

He has made tools and uses survivalist techniques. His knowledge seems to be more extensive, he knows how to use a tablet and a comm. He's been listening in on your conversations from the beginning. If he wanted to ambush you, you'd be dead. He killed all the predators around the wreckage and the harbor and protected the children. He provided them with fruit and food sanitized by cooking.

It's a priority life form to save. Unfortunately, the ship is too small to take it and only DNA samples could be transported.

I'm running away from sadness. I knew I was doomed.

Dantinne followed me and my tribe and we took refuge in our caves. At nightfall, the humans parked the rover in a shed and spent the night inside.

The robinsons left the camp and returned to their ship in the morning. I flew over their vehicle and no predators dared approach. Mother followed me from a distance, almost invisible to her sorcery.

The ship they were in looked like a saucer with a hangar for a rover but the rover was smaller than me. and I wouldn't know how to get in there! Damn it! [Grunts]

Well, I see there's four other people in the predator pen. Sophisticated weapons and voila, I can't get close.

The four people look like soldiers and scientists.

I stand at a respective distance behind the rover and see them open the gates and quickly close them again.

I walked around the enclosure and saw turrets pointing at me.

I was obviously not welcome.

It would take time to build trust, but time was what was missing.

I settled down for a few days to observe what they were doing: They were repairing their ship!

How I would like to learn!

What if I bartered?

I placed 2 big stones near the entrance and I put logs lined up in a table and I made 2 fires on each side to hunt predators. I put fruits and prey emptied cleanly on the table and I put empty clay jars next to it and I wrote on the sand spices sauces salt, pepper with <- -> to show barter. I knew a few words from the tablet he let me use to learn.

I went further and the rover stopped and John was with a soldier.

He read the text and was flabbergasted. They loaded the meat and fruit and came back with salt and synthetic pepper. They must have had a machine or a chemical reactor to make these products, but the exchange was proper.

Thanks to my hunting, they were not to run any risks and they concentrated on repairs and my tribe would have an improvement in their daily life.

I was able to get closer to the grid and they were behind it and we started a pseudo dialogue.

I had a lot of knowledge left, especially in mechanics and electricity, but communication was difficult. I had all the reptile gestures anchored in me and I had to make terrible efforts to make myself understood.

So I learned that technically the federation was looking for resources for their colonies and rare earths for portal technology.

They weren't shooting because I had saved the children and they accepted barter.

The children asked to go to the beach to play. They asked to play with me.

John came with us for safety, he didn't trust me at all. A raptor is one thing, a dragon is another.

While the children were having fun, I circled around and flew over them, then we landed. We drew pictures and made sand castles on the beach. I built a huge one and the knightly children attacked the evil dragon in the cave of the castle.

I had fun with them, but my predatory instincts were terrible to counteract. and I went further. John joined me and asked me why.

I drew on the sand the word "hard fighting instincts"! Need time! Follow a beast! Human soul but beast body!. And I began to cry. I loved the children. I was still a young beast, not an adult and my instincts were terrible. The hunt is within me.

Then I write to John: "I Predator. "I need to hunt.

In fact, I wanted to see Mommy...

Human life wasn't great for me. I also saw their reaction and how they lived together.

Barter could be a solution. I took off and Mommy said "Boo" to me.

She was near me all the time and no one noticed anything.

It's unbelievable. I can't believe...

"How did you do it?"

Wistala: "You have a lot of things to learn.

Actually, I'm not a normal dragon anymore but a cosmic dragon. I should have merged with the planet, but since I suffered martyrdom and cried all the time... And you that I couldn't abandon my children trapped somewhere on DarkStar with our family. The stars and the stars spoke and took pity on me and left me alive. I should have been a spirit living in a higher plane of existence, but I would have been unhappy and bitter for all eternity. The ascension of dragons should be a reward and not a curse."

Everything she told me didn't make sense to me. I was more of a dinosaur than a spirit in the moon. But she was there and I wasn't alone.

I felt like we'd have an egg to peel together, but I didn't know.

Everything was confusing, his return, Dantinne, the settlers and the planet that will explode ...

And we would go where?

I was afraid or, rather, I was anxious.

The port was in sight and we landed together, welcomed by our tribe.

Mom had shrunk down so as not to terrorize the raptors.

Dantinne came to welcome me, obviously jealous to see me with another strap.


She understood a little, but she hadn't known her mother...

We went back to the camp and

Mom explained to me how the infrastructure worked.

The raptors followed us, curious and eager to learn too.

The Isle (TOME 7 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now