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I ran next to Dantinne. We had gathered the tribe and 18 small. but after counting, they were only 16. We did not know where to go and by hazar, we found ourselves near the crane ship.

We all sat down together and Dantinne leaned his head against my neck and we looked at the wreck without really looking at it.

Dantinne: "She's right... I am a monster..."

Making a kiss on the head and caressing it: "Not at all... You're my little queen raptor..."

Dantinne: "It lacks 2 small but I think it's my fault. They are afraid! I beg you, go look for them ... The group explodes ... We have no chance if we do not stay together."

Straightening me out. "Do you have any idea where they'd be?"

Dantinne: "At the rock guard..."

"Dantinne, why are you crying?..."

"I think I ate Rapetou ..."

"You stay here, okay? You defend the tribe while I go after them. Don't worry, I'll stay with you!"

I flew away and went to the rock.

With my ultraviolet eyesight, I could see a lot of blood and shredded flesh on the path from the guard rock to the base. There were about ten kilometers away and many places to hide.

I landed and saw carnage. Trees uprooted and cut into small blocks, as if the scenery had been ripped away.

The rock was full of lacerations and the pond below was made of still fresh blood. Travesties everywhere of fight and flight. A large carnivore was disembowelled, his head torn off, you couldn't tell if it was a young rex or an Allosaur. Everything was torn apart.

My heart pounded in front of all those pieces. The smell of blood and death was unbearable and undoubtedly attracted predators here.

Dantinne, it was you who did this?

A moment I was also afraid ...

I saw flesh still moving.

This is not true ... A boneless carcass that moves?

When I went to take a closer look, underneath the Rex's carrion, a survivor was still moving... Probably crushed and or knocked out.

I pushed the carcass away and saw a young dilo half buried in the bloody mud.

I was about to bite that filthy monster when I heard my name "Nicholas, help!" Draconian... and then I saw that it was just a juvenile, just a child...

The creature didn't react, terrified, in a state of shock.

I took my wing claws, and delicately I pulled the poor animal out of its mud and blood gangue...

Suddenly it grabbed my winged arm and I expected a bite, but it purred and seemed not to want to let go of me...

I calmed down a bit and put aside my hatred for the dilos. A deep and vengeful hatred. But it was hard to take it out on a child...

"You talk draconian... You speak plain and simple... Who are you? How do you know my name?.

"Rapetou... I'm Rapetou... It's Heater... His machine. The traitor! ...yes..."

The creature began to cry and couldn't get back together.

I stayed like this while he passed his storm of sadness...

I wanted to explore, but he tightened his grip, not wanting me to abandon him.

"Kracou... She's going to eat Kracou..."

The Isle (TOME 7 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now