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Infinite territory, unexplored, immense and dark with this and the lanterns that sparkle before fading into infinity.

Dantinne: Hello Handsome tells me the dragoraptor with his beautiful green reptilian eyes.

What are you doing? His tail rubbing against mine, making me shiver.

Me: I see that your speech is getting better and that it's becoming pleasant to talk with you.

She said to me, "Yes, thank you for everything you've done for us. Thanks to you we have a little home and a little chance.

Me: Yes, you were a wise Raptor. I am really moved that you submit to me. I don't regret seeing the result. You are even more beautiful. You know, my venom only strengthens your character. I didn't shape you, but your inner self revealed itself. You are a beautiful dragon now and I am proud to have you by my side.

Dantinne : "But what are you doing with this painting?"

"Dantinne, you should try it you know? Look carefully, it's the portrait of my dragon mom as I have in mind. The painting brings out what I have in mind for everyone to see. Also the missing..." I shed a tear .... Then I painted our eggs.

And when we are dead, sometimes a trace of us remains through the paint.

Dantinne: "Oh what a beautiful mother. "

- Yes, it was a great strap. She loved me and protected me until her last breath and even when she died, she still stretched her wing out to shelter me from the wind and rain. I miss her and I cry every time I think of her. "

"I think his name was A'Alt'ra! his dragon name, but his human name was Svy. Which means Sunbeam!"

And you Dantinne? Wouldn't you paint?

Paint what, our eggs? Yawatah?"

Yes, of course!, hunting scenes with your friends, the places you loved in our world. Being a dragon hasn't erased your memory, has it? And what you remember, human...

Dantinne": Yes, it's a great idea, and why don't we paint together? It would be more fun, wouldn't it? Here, we are bored and I often feel like dropping prey in the ship and hunting them and then biting them. Humans are appetizing too."

Me: "Stop Dantinne, you'll make me angry! You were human... it's disgusting!"

We're like humans here. Eating a human is like cannibalism!

They think like us. Our actions have consequences and if you breathe and talk to me it's because of them who built this thing. We killed the hunters but we didn't defend ourselves.

And your hunts, I, more than you, am dying of envy and here we have a treasure, a piece of our planet. This sanctuary is all that remains of Vegeta...

And we won't be able to hunt them either because EVERY individual counts, it takes several to reconstitute a species.

Dantinne: Yes but a male and a female are enough? no?

Me: "That's where you're wrong and we are in misery! To make it simple: If they have children and the children reproduce among themselves, they will degenerate and after about ten individuals, they will not even be able to reproduce because there will be so many cancers and malformations. The genetic code, the imprint that makes us look like daddy or mommy will be worn out and destroyed. Normally it takes 166 individuals of the same race to survive in the wild.

Here we are only 8-10 of each species. This is a disaster! We may have to hybridize with local species! It will be a miracle if we reconstitute a part of our planet. And we will need ALL the humans here.

The Isle (TOME 7 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora