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Arthur and his 2 sisters were stomping their way out and after the lake was safe by chasing away the surrounding wildlife, they rushed in their bikini's towards the lake.

The temperature was ideal and the swimming was great fun.

The parents stabilized the shuttle and widened the fold-out compartments, doubling the living space.

They also cleared a landing area for a rescue and transport shuttle. A kind of cigar with two spheres, one ship and one cargo ship. The ship part is able to reach space and the other to transport, retrieve a settler shuttle.

Amanda was qualified to drive one of those things, but only on a simulator. Neither John nor Lea had ever flown one of these before.

Commander Yamato:

"Miss Amanda, you're the best qualified to fly the Atlas ship that's on its way to your camp. This will give you a chance to prove yourself.

Make a reconnaissance flight and look for any abnormal tracks. There may be survivors. Report back as soon as you hear anything. I'm counting on you, girl."

The Robinson family anxiously awaited the arrival of the larger freighter. For obvious security reasons, the landing zone...

At night, I'd seen all these lights and dragging in the sky. Some of them were bigger than the others and they were like flying saucers, but my human memories allowed me to immediately identify that they were humans. Arabic numerals marked the ships. I was reassured that they were humans and not predators. I was making a fuss over nothing.

I was very curious, but my family was frightened, terrorized.

Dantinne: "These are humans coming?"

"Yes... but do not be afraid... if we do not hurt them, we risk nothing."

"What's a human? " asked the Queen.

"Like you, without tail, claws or teeth but like wasps and able to kill from a distance like that PAN!. Especially if they have a weapon, a stick or a hook that looks like this!" And I drew the shape on the ground.

One of the raptors asked me what to do if they point a gun.

"Stay hidden or run away before they see you. If you're trapped, throw yourself on your stomach, paws to your head, stand still and cry in submission.

You let go and show no sign of aggression. They will be very afraid of you too and will activate their weapon to protect themselves or theirs, especially the young or their females. If they are less afraid, we can live together..."

I continued the explanations but was interrupted by a terrible explosion in the sky. Two fireballs fell into the jungle not far from us.

All curious, we wanted to see the humans and what it looked like.

Half an hour before...

Amanda took command of this twisted ship.

Lea: "Take the EVA, the AI, she can help you if anything goes wrong.

Alice and Arthur moved in too.

John: "Don't you think we should be the ones to go?"

Lea: "They're qualified and have passed the tests just like us. Trust them for once."

The parents watched the shuttle take off, their hands clasped...

"Look, Arthur, you can see the base, the harbor and the volcano. There are lots of animals... they're running away...

The Isle (TOME 7 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon