Thenyaw continent

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Commander Yamato was inflexible and relied more on intuition than on protocol. Protocol and rules were just means in a chess game. All that mattered was to place your pawns in the right place at the right time. But few were as visionary as he was and saw only a small piece of the chessboard without having a general view.

A tremor alarmed the entire staff, but it was only a section ring of the ship that was coming loose. The huge shopping mall and the huge technical center were becoming detached from the ship, which would remain in orbit for a return or evacuation.

John Robinson, his two daughters, his son and his wife Lea were aboard their shuttle.

It would serve as a house and mobile home but also as a means of escape. The problem was the fuel. To go back into space and leave orbit, they had to refuel and that was one of the tasks of the future settlers: refining energy resources to fill up.

Obviously, in the event of a disaster, several shuttles would have to be sacrificed by transferring their reserves to the one that would take off. But this was forbidden and punishable given the cost and investment that the shuttles represented.

The Robinsons were the first to sit in the cockpit around a round table. The computer would take care of everything.

The designated site was the island-continent of Thenyaw to the south and east of Twin Island, the place where the first dragons lived and where the first dragons had lived, then joined by settlers

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

The designated site was the island-continent of Thenyaw to the south and east of Twin Island, the place where the first dragons lived and where the first dragons had lived, then joined by settlers. They had all fled together because there were mixed families and human children adopted by the dragons on a rescue mission. Some humans had had to be dragonized because of accidents, the only treatment that could save their lives by forcing cell growth. This was taboo but accepted as a force majeure. That's why they all evacuated.

The information is fuzzy and the planet should have been pulverized at least 2 years ago according to the restored database.

The information about the dragons or aliens on that planet caused a lot of interest for the staff and the commander and was also the object of fear for the settlers.

If there were any more of them??? What about bad guys?

Senior officers were given 3D printing codes to make weapons and John was also the mission security officer.

The ring slowly descended through the atmosphere, slowed down in its fall by huge deflectors that also served to guide the ring to the most suitable area for development.

The second ring also descended with the maintenance equipment and a small factory.

Once in place, this section was called the "Magus Tower"...

Small sections went to different locations to repair and reopen old infrastructure. In particular, a lighthouse overlooking a small port. It overlooked a lighthouse on another island, the Twin Island.

The Isle (TOME 7 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ