The wrath of Akulathraxas

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Marius left me by swearing. Deep down, he knew how to take a step back but he did not take the time to think...

They put two whole thighs of beef in his blood and I ate the good meat like a savage. To add even more, I had left my tribal paintings on my head. Black and white on a red background! It was scary and the black around my eyes brought out the fire in my eyes.

Other dragons came but were afraid of me... They felt everything of the predator calm and composed. Like a human facing a tiger.

Then came a visitor I was waiting for.


She was powerful and predatory, like a thousand-year-old snake. She exuded strength and knowledge.

"At last I can meet you, Nicholas..."

I said, "Hey, haven't we met before? In Provence?"

The dragon clicked its tongue, angry...

"You're lucky my daughter loves you because what you did was terrible."

Me: "Because what you do is not terrible too? It seems that your beaks are legendary... I regret not having had my share as a dragonnet. We could have really gotten along together."

From green, she changed to red and wanted to blow dark fire.

"In addition to being a witch, you are a coward! To attack an innocent, your nephew..."

She swallowed her spit, taken at her word.

"You're just an ungrateful runt... You'll'll regret what you did...believe me."

Me: "You see... Pantoufle, he understands and regrets, but you, you are proud to have taken everything from me? In addition to being a witch who threatened my little ones, you are a liar for distorting reality. Do you know what you are? We didn't just shoot once... in the lens when the Raven was being chased... we saw you all dead and realigned ourselves to correct your reality.

You are ungrateful monsters and liars and also thieves..."

Akulathraxas lost her temper and she blew at me.

I was burned in the cage and screamed in pain. Then the security system electrocuted me and I fainted right after I said, "You want to take my life in addition to our world that you stole from us...Ahhhhhh."

Of course, I had nothing... Just a bit of soot, but the cage had gotten a little banged up. The bars were bent and Wistala ran when she saw the firemen spraying me with fire-fighting foam.

Marius had come back and was holding his mother as a human and he too.

Akulathraxas looked even scarier as a human than as a dragon... personal opinion.

The cage had fallen apart and security personnel were keeping the curious away

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The cage had fallen apart and security personnel were keeping the curious away. Wistala wanted to approach but was held back and then she turned. She was able to approach me and caught me between her paws and gave first aid.

The Isle (TOME 7 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu