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Arthur and his 2 sisters were eager to get out and after the lake was secured by chasing the wildlife around, they rushed to the lake in their bathing suits.The temperature was ideal and the swimming was great fun.The parents stabilized the shuttle and expanded the fold-out compartments, doubling the living space.They also cleared a landing zone for a rescue and transport shuttle. A kind of cigar with 2 spheres, one vessel and the other cargo. The ship part is able to reach the space and the other to transport, recover a shuttle of colonists.Amanda was qualified to drive this kind of vehicle but on a simulator. Neither John nor Lea had flown this type of craft before.Commander Yamato:"Miss Amanda, you are best qualified to pilot the Atlas ship that is on its way to your camp. You will be able to prove yourself.Do a reconnaissance flight and look for any abnormal signs. There may be survivors. Report back as soon as you hear anything. I'm counting on you, kiddo."The Robinson family anxiously awaited the arrival of the larger freighter. For obvious safety reasons, the landing zone.In the evening, I had seen all these lights and trails in the sky. Some bigger than others and they were like flying saucers but my human memories allowed me to identify them immediately as humans. Arabic numbers marked the ships. I was reassured that they were humans and not predators. I was making a fuss over nothing.I was very curious, but my family was scared and terrified.Dantinne: "Are those humans coming?"Yes... but don't be afraid... if we don't hurt them, we won't risk anything"."What is a human? " asked the queen."Like you, without a tail, claws or teeth but like wasps and able to kill from a distance like that PAN! Especially if they have a weapon, a stick or a hook that looks like this!" And I was drawing the shape on the ground.One of the raptors asked me what to do if they point their gun."Stay hidden if not run away before they see you. If you are cornered, throw yourself flat on your stomach, paws on your head, don't move and cry in submission.You let go and show no signs of aggression. They will be very afraid of you too and will activate their weapon to protect themselves or theirs, especially the young or their females. If they are less afraid, we can live together..."I continued the explanations but was interrupted by a terrible explosion in the sky. Two fireballs fell in the jungle not far from us.We were all curious to see the humans and what they looked like.Half an hour before...Amanda took over the controls of this twisted ship.Lea: "Take EVA, the AI, she can help you in case of problems.Alice and Arthur also took their seats.John: "Don't you think we should be the ones to go?"Lea: "They are qualified and have passed the tests just like us. Trust them for a change.The parents watched the shuttle take off, their hands clenched..."Look, Arthur, you can see the base, the port and the volcano. There are lots of animals... they are running away...There are raptors down there, look." Said Alice.Arthur: "They are big and they don't run away, they look at us, it's strange."Look, fires..animals around!"ALERT, ALERT. MAJOR BREAKDOWN WE ARE GOING TO CRASH."EVA?" The children asked.Eva: "The volcanic ash has clogged the turbines and stuck together like glue.All the remaining energy is used to reduce the impact."Can't we ballast it?"No time"The cargo ship was not as strong as the shuttles. It didn't have a shockproof cabin.Eva sent out a distress call. The flying crane was going to crash. No, it was falling and the last thrusts of the reactor were to limit the impact. Luckily they weren't too high up.But Eva calculated that crashing into the swamp gave the best chance of survival.The children were crying and Amanda was out of control."Hang on."The impact was terrible.I heard the engines roar and a big black smoke followed a kind of 2-ball cylinder.They crashed into the swamp, water point of the whole area and of course territory of the sharp.. Allosaurs with a sharp sense of smell, Suchos, terrible ancestor of crocodiles and more powerful than a rex and other Giganotosaurs...The ship was smoking and we ran with all our strength to help.We arrived after half an hour of running and the sounds of the jungle were starting again, which meant that the hunting and predation activities were slowly starting again. The danger was slowly but surely increasing.The trees were crushed, as if a huge chainsaw had left a protrusion in the ground.Everything was ploughed. And only a pile of smoking scrap metal was emerging.I had a bad feeling.Despite being 5 meters long, I was able to open the hatch. I could read the instructions in English but the ship was taking on water and sinking into the mud.I entered the ship and Dantinne followed me and the other 6 dragon raptors.They looked more and more like me. Especially their scales.The corridor was lit by emergency lighting. The lower floors were flooded or torn apart.Shrill and ultrasonic noises were sent. Then lasers but without force or energy were fired at us.Eva was panicking. The children were seriously injured, especially Amandine who had a piece of steering wheel stuck in her side, under her ribs.They were all bleeding to varying degrees and the water was beginning to flood the control room.Eva could not transmit, and she left a recording on the logbook.The situation was desperate, they were bleeding, no robot, no power, so she shouted and pulled out a hologram "Please don't eat the children.."It was the first time I saw a hologram in the roomI touched it.It was beautiful in the ship. I always dreamed of being part of the crew of a ship like that but I'm just a wild beast now. Bloody and terrifying.Seeing again all the modern comforts that I have been deprived of these last years and maybe forever, I started to cry.IIIIIIIIIIII, iiiiiiiiiiiiii, like a dog. I didn't want to torture the children any more with my presence and I walked out of the main square. On a bench there was a touch pad and it caught my eye, it looked like a flat screen PC. i took it with and saw like a walkie talkie and i took it too. i saw a rations kit and it smelled good. i took it too and a big metal sheet. I saw a short circuit and sparks on a cable and I cut it. Then the light came back on in the compartment. I went out and stood several hundred meters from the wreckage to watch for predators nearby.I broke through the sheet metal and got my pot. I stuck a few spikes and put the radio on it and protected the shelf like a treasure in a furry skin.Then I opened the ration box: energy bar, chocolate flavor ...... I cried with happiness when the chocolate melted in my mouth.------------Rover to EVA: We're on our way, are the children safe?EVA: Yes, Captain. But be careful, there are super predators and one of them looks particularly dangerous. He's red and he managed to open the doors. He got past the anti-animal lasers and the ultrasound has no effect on him. It has taken items you were carrying, probably because of the smell. He is hunting around so be careful.Damage? The beast has restored the main circuits but repairs are necessary to take off again. Given the fauna here, it's mission impossible. You have to weld outside and unhook the access tube. You'll be eaten. And we don't have enough time. In one year the planet will disappear.I had the radio and the message was clear to me: I am an enemy and I am doomed!I need this ship! But how to fix it? I need the plans and I understand with my dragon powers but I can't speak or write! I forgot that! DAMN!The tablet! I look at it and I see a button, I put a piece of leather on my claw so I don't break it and I press it gently and a 3D woman comes out of the tablet,Hello, I am you personal assistant : Choose your language : French chinese English. I touch the bar in French, but it floats. it is not on the screen:Hello, I am EVA Nano. I am your personal assistant. Can I help you?I can't hear anything.Pfuuit? came out of my mouth. CHHHRRRYou're a child aren't you? Thumb up, thumb down. I touch thumb up.Okay we're going to teach you to read and write.Here are the letters of the alphabet:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. Draw the letters in the black area.OK, it's coming back to me!Now we're going to read you a story and you're going to fill in the blanks and there will be multiple choices for you.After several days of hunting large predators, the area was clear and I watched the kids from afar as they went to the river to get water and every now and then a thigh or a fillet of trench would be put down at the entrance of the vessel. Also smoked fish were put down and a kid imprinted on me was in sight. The predator's head on a planted spike. There was a forest of predator heads on spikes. around the ship and my urine marked the territory as mine.I heard on the radio, "We have located you children, it is very hard, there are monsters everywhere. How did you manage?Dad, Mom, sometimes there is smoked fish left at the door and roasted dinosaur. It is delicious. We don't have any more rations and everything is silent, we don't hear anything except sometimes a howl of a beast and the next day, we have something to eat but there are traces of a huge lizard!Robin: Do not approach! and remain hidden!I have here a harpoon and pheromones to attract it in a trap.KRR.RRRThe radio tells me everything!I heard a rover approaching and the parents arrived near the children. A welcome gift would be nice!On a sign I painted in blood: HELLO. I took a sheet of metal and made a shield with it, you never know!Robin: Alice, Arthur! you are safe and sound! MOM!!! you are alive!Then Robin, went around the ship!What carnage!Hundreds of dinosaur heads were on spikes surrounding the crash zone.There was a kind of stone altar with a bloody paw and a circle around it. on the altar were fruits and smoked fish.Then Robin shouted, "Whoever you are, thank you for the children! You can come, we mean you no harm. Be careful, there is a big lizard!Silence. Then flute music! Vivaldi, the four seasons!Robin? Of the flute?Then Robin started to explore the jungle where the music was coming from and he couldn't believe his eyes: The lizard was playing the ocarina! But the lizard was 10 meters long with its tail and neck! One and a half times a T-Rex!I stared at Robin, still playing, and picked up the pace! Then he sat down, harpoon in hand.A fire separated us. Then the melody stopped and I put down the ocarina. Robin pretended to applaud but without provoking me.Out of the corner of my eye, another human was there with a weapon, probably to distract me.Without moving, I was sitting on a rock, I slowly took a branch with impaled fish and put it on the fire!The tension decreased, as I focused on the cooking.The fish visibly cooked, I reached out to Robin and he took a fish, panicked to leave his weapon. But the other human stared at me and was surprised when my eyes went to her. She went down and joined Robin!She also took a fishTwo other fish were pierced with a string made of liana shavings and were waved through the fire that separated us. They took them too.I took the rest and began to eat. I took some seeds and ate the seeds for flavor.An earthenware pot held seeds and a strap held the pot like a handle. I took a stick and held out the clay pot with the seeds and gave them.They were amazed to see a clay pot made by a non-human.They accepted the invitation and began to eat. With the seeds, it was good.I took 2 stones and crushed the seeds to show how to extract the mustard. then put the fish on the paste and swallowed.They did the same and found it delicious.Then Robin stood up and said: I AM ROBIN! THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY CHILDREN!I waved my throat and made a few squeaks but it was scary so I shut upI took a wood and traced on the ground: HELLO!

The Isle (TOME 7 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now