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John turned around and saw a beautiful young girl, but very tall and with fairly pointed ears, like elves, and her dress, timeless, contrasted with the uniforms of the colonists. A ball gown was more appropriate.

"Hello," she said to John, who had just realized.

"Uh, good morning, miss?"

"Heater, my name is Heater or Wistala."

John: "What are you doing here, it's dangerous!

Get in the rover and take refuge."

Wistala, didn't know John, only through Nicholas.

She wanted to find out for herself and got into the rover.

John: "Amazing, crying raptors... I don't know what's going on here, but all these creatures are acting strange."

Heater: "They lost two teenage children. We heard their cry for help, but I don't think we can locate them."

"We'll talk later, but I think I've come at a bad time. What are you doing here?"

" I'm a castaway of sorts and I live here in a converted room with the raptors. I maintain the infrastructure and I manage to get by. Come on, let's go help them. They'll be grateful."

"Yes, I owe them a debt of gratitude. They saved my children."

"Aren't they afraid of the volcano? It could explode at any moment.


Heater: "No, they feel the soul of Vegeta who means them no harm."

Heater showed a beautiful smile.

"They never hurt you?"

"No, no matter what they look like, they're gentle creatures, they're family."

"And the dragon? He has bits of English. I don't understand what he's saying completely. It doesn't make any sense, but he protected my children and that's what matters. Sometimes he comes begging and whining near my ship. I've kept his existence a secret, but I'm sure others already know about it. It's a small world here. I consider him a friend. "

Heater: "I'm the one who raised him. He's my son now. His mother was born human but died protecting him.

He has human genes. That's why he has empathy and can understand and communicate. "

John: "Did you know his human mother?"

Heater: "Yes, she was my little sister..."

John: "What happened?"

Heater: "She suddenly turned into a dragon and was isolated."

John: "How did she stay here?"

(Lies): "Shuttle crashed on liftoff, not enough fuel for the weight. She must have tried to leave with the humans but we crashed and stayed here."

John accepted the explanations, but something wasn't adding up. If Svy was the little sister, the only young human at 200 and she was the older sister, something was wrong. Heater would also have to be at least 200 years old then.

He left the conversation for another time.

Heater must have had his reasons, he thought.

He was suspicious of his passenger sitting behind him in the rover.

His wife Lea was with her.

Lea: "Heater, do you have an idea where we could look? "

Heater started sobbing.

The Isle (TOME 7 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now