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I was dreaming about Vegeta, its jungle, its wildlife and all the adventures we had there.

Our childhood, our youth and my first loves.

A red light drew me out of my torpor.

Alice:" Quickly, on the bridge! We've spotted the Cargo ship! The Yorktown!

"Can't we catch it?"

Alice: "Look! Between us, there is this asteroid sphere. It covers and encompasses the entire solar system! The blocks will pulverize Midway if we don't slow down!"

Me: "Our shields?"

Alice : "We might as well run into a wall!"

We have to catch them!

Alice: "That's impossible!

What if we blow the asteroids?

Alice: "Lasers are not powerful enough!"

Take out the 3 Obelisks! They were meant to destroy the comet but the comet was a thousand times bigger than we thought!

Alice: "I don't know about mana cannons! This is an unknown weapon to me!"

"Normal, it is one of my inventions!"

The principle to generate mana is to extract cosmic energy from rock crystals. The crystals grow with the primal energy of the sun.

By using the laser plasma, the mana-charged rock crystal is sublimated and a chain reaction causes the release of all this energy in a ray not of mana but of pure energy, 1 million times more destructive than the laser. The affected matter is automatically saturated with magic and disintegrates.

The effects are devastating.

The heavy turrets came out of their places and 3 cannons with crystals instead of the tube were put in firing position.

Without slowing down, the cannon aimed at the first obstacle and 3 ultra-powerful violet rays pulverized cubic kilometers of rock, transforming them into a soup of gravel and smaller pebbles.

A rain of stones could be heard on the hull.

The Midway fired, fired and fired again, forcing its way through the destructive asteroids.

Aboard the Yorktown, the captain was watching the telescope.

A huge ship came out of hyperspace!" shouted a mate.

The captain shouted: "Try to identify it!"

Second : "It would be the Midway, a destroyer but missing but it is 6 times the normal size

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Second : "It would be the Midway, a destroyer but missing but it is 6 times the normal size. It is a super destroyer. The identification codes don't match. It's piloted by a sentient, prohibited AI."

Captain: "What's her heading?"

the XO made calculations, then, sweating, "WE!"

Captain, isn't he going to land?

The Isle (TOME 7 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now