"You can say that again, " I laughed, and he did too. I guess I was just trying to calm my nerves.

"Well, I've gotta go. Just be careful." He finally said, and I nodded before he walked another way.

Closing the door behind me to put a hoodie on, I mentally prepared myself. He really has a weird way of making his way. Asking Ethan to come and pick me up? So, has he been waiting there for an hour? The thoughts slowly become darker. I couldn't do anything either way, and I need to hurry. He probably knew it would scare Ethan and make sure I went down. Sneaky bastard.

After I had put on my hoodie and some sneakers, I headed downstairs quickly bringing my phone and ID with me.

The café he spoke about was less crowded than I expected. It was just a few steps out from my building, so not that far. Approaching the entrance, my heart drums. I mentally psyched myself up, hoping that he wouldn't be as mad as he was.

I looked around for him as I entered and found him seated inside the booth at the back of the café. This place looked very ambient and safe. White walls, plants everywhere, and yellow lights hanging up. It's a shame I came to meet the devil here.

He was busy scrolling through his phone when I just slid into the seat in front of him. I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing. I sat there idly waiting for him to acknowledge me. I felt small and fragile around him. I felt as though he will hurt me; I am afraid of him.

He sighs impatiently and grabs a cup of coffee and slid it towards me while still looking at his phone. He had two cups. I frowned at his actions. He definitely did not just buy me coffee.

Noticing that I had said nothing, he finally looks up, his brows narrowed impatiently. "Are you just gonna stare at that cup?" He said and I shuddered. His voice was much less aggressive, but still terrifying. I looked down at my hands.

"Ok, you got questions." He finally said with a sigh, followed by a shuffle in his seat. I looked up to him, confused. I had questions, like why did he send Ethan and not just himself or why he was so mad at me. Instead, I asked him, "Why the coffee? " he chuckled, and I just frowned. He stops as he took notice and huffs.

"I'm sorry, " my jaw drops. His words sounded truthful, and I wanted to believe him, but his face portrayed nothing. "What?" I shakily asked.

"I said it once, not anymore, " he said, trying not to sound mad.

He is saying sorry. I didn't know whether to laugh or just walk out of there. Not in a million years did I think he would say that one word. I mean, I haven't known him for long, but I knew him to assume he didn't even know that word. After what he had done, it sure is right for him to say sorry, but I couldn't just say yes.

"I can't just forgive you, " I intended to sound more convincing, but it only came out as a whisper. His presence really makes me feel small and weak. I look up to him only to see him smirk.

"Why not?" He seemed to take advantage of my vulnerability. Too tired to fight, I answered, "Nevermind."

"Great, let's start." It was like nothing had happened, he just brushed over it.

"Ok, " I said picking my phone up. If I had enough energy, I would just walk out of here and just go back to my room to study. I am too drained from shouting and fighting. He scoffs and spoke again, "I'll allow one more question." A million more questions swirl through my mind, but I picked one.

"Why are you wasting your time with me? You probably have a party waiting for you." My voice now picked up a bit, but still weak. His eyes darted straight to mine.

"You're right, there is a party. Courtney is there, " he shrugged. I stared at him for a second before chuckling.

"So I'm your exit card trying to run away from your girlfriend?" The words came out without a thought. I won't be mad if the answer is yes, but it would offend me. I don't want him to think I can just be his exit card. Though I don't blame him, I can only imagine what it's like dealing with here.

He looked at me and chuckled to himself. Like his laugh, it was a beautiful sound. It wasn't like his little evil chuckles. This one is genuine. And it was a lovely sound. I felt some comfort and eased a little.

"First, don't worry you're not an exit card, well maybe. Second, she's not my girlfriend." He clarified, counting on his fingers, and I chuckle. He was quick to clear his throat and confide back to his stoic look. "Yeah right, " I mumbled wanting to ask more questions but decided against it knowing he won't appreciate.

I grabbed the cup of coffee to take a sip and to my surprise; it was actually a decent cup of latte. I was sure he would've picked black or something, not being considerate.
Noticing that I hadn't reacted negatively he says, "got it right huh?" His tone was much softer, but still threatening. I nodded with a slight smile, acknowledging the fact that this must be hard for him. Being nice?

"Courtney is not my girlfriend. My friends and I bet if I can deal with her for two weeks." He explained to my surprise. It shocked me, he even told me that. However, what had really disturbed me was the information he gave out.

"Oh, so Courtney's just another one of your toys?" I snapped, unknown anger rising. He seemed to be unfazed by it though as he continued with, "Oh yeah, she's one of the most annoying girls here, I have five-hundred waiting for me by this Friday, " he chuckled, licking his lips.

I want to slap him, hurt him, punch him. I know I couldn't and if I did, he'd hit harder. I agree that Courtney is that unbearable, but this? This was too cruel. She shows an enormous interest in him and he's just playing her like a toy. Even I feel bad for Courtney. No one deserves this, no matter how bad they are. They are using her feelings against her.

"How — don't you think that's cruel?" I said rather too aggressively at the start, but faded into a calm one. He raises his eyebrows before reaching for his coffee and sipping.

"For that bitch? No." He shrugged. It disgusted me. I wanted to stand up and walk away, but I didn't. Fine, I'll play along.

"Oh ok, so you find a girl, play with her feelings then what, you dump her and hurt her for real, not letting her know it was all a lie?" I said too calmly. I sipped my coffee and a smirk of amusement plays against his lips.

"Basically." He said cooly. I scoffed and answered, "Ok great so, what game are you playing with me? Be nice, then be bad? Oh, no, what about getting in her pants and get paid five grand?" I snapped with raised eyebrows, my tone challenging him.

He chuckled and answered, "I mean you choose. Though I prefer the second one." It appalled me. A part of me regrets my words, but a part of me just wanna hit him.

Instead of saying something else, I decided to just play on. I'm here anyway.

"Great, I guess we got the perfect topic to write about, " I crossed my arms. He raised his brows, "that is?" He asked curiously.

"Let's write about the most manipulative, sadistic, egotistical and ruthless man. Talk about how he likes to play games and ruin peoples' lives." As I spoke with fake enthusiasm, his smirk grew wider before answering, "I love the idea, let's do it."

You can't win with this guy.

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