Chapter 34: Nightclub Nightmare

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"And then he goes 'I don't give a flying fuck what you say give me my unicorn back!" Sandy starts crying at my story and I laugh at her.

It's been two hours and probably 10 cocktails later and we are insanely drunk! Like...stupidly drunk!

"Oh my god did he get the unicorn?" Sandy asks worried, wiping the tears off of her face. Sandy is the emotional drunk and I'm the crazy drunk so...this isn't a very good combo.

"I don't know Sandy the story was fake!" I grumble and she bursts into tears. I roll my eyes with a smile on my face. She's ridonculous! Or is it ridiculous...I don't know.

"Oh Kyleeee!" I say in a singsong voice trying to get his attention. He turns to me with a grin, knowing how drunk we are.

"Yes Lola what would you like now?" He asks cheekily and I giggle.

"Okay soooo....I don't want anymore sex on the beach" I say making weird hand gestures. Kyle laughs and nods.

"I think maybeeee...-" I turn to Sandy "Shmandy what should we have?" Sandy hiccups and wipes away some more tears

"How about tequila shots with some lemon and salt?" I nod and turn to Kyle with a raised eyebrow.

"Coming right up" he says with an amused expression.

"Let's dance!" Sandy screech's and I laugh, running after her to the dance floor. Sandy grabs my hands and we jump up and down letting the music control our bodies.

I throw my hands up above my head and close my eyes. I sway my hips to the beat, feeling all eyes on me.

I'm usually not very good at dancing but I guess being drunk is a bonus.

I glide my fingers into my hair, down my sides, all the way down to my hips, then back up my front, touching my boobs and I glide the back of my hands up my face and into the air again. I do this movement over and over again throughout two songs with my eyes closed.

As soon as a more upbeat song comes on I shoot my eyes open to see Sandy staring at me wide eyed.

"What!" I shout.

"Now that Lola is sexy as fuck" she slurs and I laugh. I felt pretty sexy doing it. I wink at her and sandy grabs my hips turning me around.

We grind against each other laughing the whole time. Sandy puts her hands all over me and I flip my hair feeling sexier than ever. I turn back around to Sandy and we both burst out laughing.

An attractive man comes up behind Sandy and grips onto her hips putting his head into her neck. I raise my eyebrow at her, making sure she's okay and Sandy turns in his arms and starts making out with him.

I'll take that as a yes. I continue to dance on my own feeling happy and free.

"You look so fucking hot" a man whispers in my ear from behind grabbing my butt. A cold shiver goes through me but I just giggle and turn to face him. I can tell how turned on he is as he openly checks me out.

"Do I?" I batt my eyelashes innocently and he groans, gripping my hips. Wow I'm so drunk!

"Fuck ya you do" he says excitedly. I sway my hips to the beat of the song and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I'm so flucking trashed right now!" I yell and scrunch my eyebrows, "Wait did I say flucking...I meant FUCKING!" I say and laugh but frown when he leans in and trails wet kisses on my neck.

"No fanks buddy I think I'm good" I slur and start to get a headache. He presses my hips closer to his body, I groan and push his chest away but he doesn't budge.

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