Chapter 17: Apologies

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Hey cherries🍒 This chapter has smut in it so if you're not into that then you can just skip this chapter. Let's see what happens:) Enjoyyy;)

Liam and I run out of the dining room and go in search of Daniel. Liam stops which in turn makes me stop as we are holding hands. "Lola where are we going?" he asks and I look down at the cut that has reformed on my stomach.

I look back up at Liam "I think I need to go to the presidents" I say and Liam nods his head in understanding. We make our way through the halls and stop in front of the office. "Could you come inside with me please?" I ask Liam looking into his eyes. "Yes of course" he says and gives my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

Liam knocks on the door but this time Candice answers it and seems very surprised to see me. "Oh Lola I'm pleased to see you. Richard is at a meeting right now but please come in" Candice says opening the door wider. Liam keeps his arm around me as we walk in and take a seat in front of the desk. "Hello Candice, but I'm here to ask a question not for mommy and daughter talk" I say with a stern face. Candice's smile falters slightly but she still keeps it on her face.

"As you know I was trapped in the forest last night and came back with a couple of scratches" I say and Candice nods looking slightly confused. "Well they all healed, except one of the cuts has now reformed what does that mean? I thought I could heal" I say pointing to the cut along my stomach and

Candice leans forward on her seat taking a closer look. "Yes I see. Lola that can happen from time to time. Sometimes deep cuts or injuries are too much for us to handle. For example if someone was to get stabbed god forbid, you wouldn't be able to heal it. Us healers are powerful but there are some injuries that take too much energy and will end up putting us in danger." Candice says with a small smile. "That cut along your stomach is too deep and it just took a while for your brain to catch up to your powers hence why you were able to heal it last night. Once your brain was able to comprehend, the cut came back. It will eventually disappear but you will have to wait a while just like a normal person." She finishes and I sigh.

God I thought something was really wrong with me. "Thank you so much Candice for your time. That will be all" I say and stand up with Liam, heading for the door. "Umm Lola-" Candice says and I turn around "-if you ever need someone to talk to,I'm here for you" she says and I give her a thin smile. "Thank you Candice but you weren't there my entire life to talk to so what makes you think I need you now" I say leaving so I won't see her reaction and close the door gently behind me.

I breathe out a sigh of relief that I got that over with. Liam gives me a hug "You did great Lola now come on I think I know where Daniel might be" he says patting my head. I nod and we make our way through the creepy halls again.

We go into the lower level where the training room is and I whisper the plan to Liam. Once I've told Liam what to do, I hide behind the door and listen in. "LIAM my mannn!" Daniel shouts and I hear a high five. I roll my eyes at him.

"Hey Daniel what's up?" Liam asks. "Oh you know just the start of the school year is always the hardest" Daniel says. "Ya I get you. Oh I forgot to tell you!" Liam says, "What?" Daniel says suspicion clear in his voice.

"There was a fire in the forest last night, I think it was set up so just watch out. I heard there was some chick trapped in there." Liam says, "Ya I heard about it. I actually saw the girl in the fire" Daniel says quietly. "What no way?! What happened?" Liam asks casually. "Ya I saw her and she asked for help but I couldn't help her out" he says and I narrow my eyes. What does that mean?!

"Why couldn't you help her out man?" Liam asks and I hear them walking around. "Because it was funny seeing her face. I also fucking hate Ethan. I should've been alpha that son of a bitch took that from me! I've never seen him so vulnerable until last night with his true mate so the only way to destroy him was to destroy her. But unfortunately my plan didn't work because she escaped. She is very powerful. I had to make up some stupid shit about how he should go into town with me to celebrate just so he wouldn't see his precious little mate limping and covered in blood. But whatever I'm over it now, she can live." Daniel says and I smile brighter than the moon. Daniel you're an idiot!

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