Chapter 33: Forgetting

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I've spent the last couple of hours with Sandy as she throws pieces of clothing out of her wardrobe.

"I have nothing to wear!" she grumbles.

I laugh and roll my eyes, "S, you have plenty of clothes to choose from. Come on there has to be something you can wear!" She stares at her big pile of clothes on the ground like it's the most important exam in the world.

"Okay okay I've got it!" She exclaims excitedly and picks up a bright pink neon piece of fabric that will barely cover up her butt.

"Umm S, that's really freaking short are you sure you want to wear that to a nightclub?" I ask with raised eyebrows.

She rolls her eyes "Amm yeah! Duh! I want to look sexy and the only way for that to happen is to wear something that's what I'm doing. Actually scratch that...that's what WE'RE doing!" She smiles brightly and turns to get a pair of shoes.

I don't think I've ever worn a dress that's more than just above my knees. I also don't think I've ever felt my entire life. The only time I felt fully comfortable and sexy in my body was when I was with him.

Tonight is my chance to prove him and everyone else wrong. To show them that no matter what stupid bond I have, I can still have a great time and look sexy while I'm at it.

It's my chance to show everyone that I don't need a man to make me feel sexy because I can do that on my own thank you very much!

"S...?" Sandy nods her head while she searches for shoes.

"Can I borrow one of your outfits because....I've never worn anything short hence me not having anything 'sexy'. In fact I don't think I've ever felt sexy. Ever!" I huff in embarrassment and Sandy fully turns to me with a massive smile on her face.

"Oh Lola you have no idea how much I want to do this. I finally get to give someone a makeover!" She squeals.

I widen my eyes and shake my head frantically " no I meant just the out-"

"-Lola you deserve this makeover to make you feel better so just let me do it....pleaseeeee" she drops to her knees, clasps her hands together and I laugh.

"YES! Yes fine...just....get up off of the ground you look like a fool!" I say with a goofy smile and Sandy giggles. This is going to be fun.

About two hours later Sandy has not only done my hair and makeup but has also done hers. I swear she's a magician!

She's curled my hair and made it look nice and wavy towards the ends. My makeup is really hot and smokey.

I look like I'm about to do something I will regret looking this good and maybe I will.

The outfit on the other hand is....questionable. It's extremely short but also extremely fucking a good way and.....makes me look sexy.

It's royal blue and brings out all of my curves. Since I have a nice C cup you can definitely see those popping out in this dress but in the best way possible.

I'm also borrowing Sandy's black stilettos. She is a size smaller than me but I manage to squeeze my feet in.

 She is a size smaller than me but I manage to squeeze my feet in

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