Chapter 31: Guilty

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4 and a half hours later and we have finally arrived. I look out the window to see farmland and I smile slightly. This place reminds me of Ireland.

There isn't one house in site except straight ahead there is a big metal gate that leads up a hill. At the very top of the hill there is a big two story house.

The house looks very modern and is surrounded by flowers and trees. I stare at it in awe until I hear a soft chuckle to my left.

"It's quite magnificent isn't it?" Candice softly says and stares at the house like it's her first time seeing it also.

"I thought you said witches once lived there centuries ago?!" I say with a nervous laugh.

"Ya but that place was god awful looking so they updated it just a little bit" she jokes and I get a little worried. What if the magic is gone?

"Look I don't know what that face is for but stop worrying, once we pass those gates up ahead, the magic will keep you safe" she reassures me and I nod feeling slightly better.

Candice stops the car right in front of the gate and hops out, making her way to the speaker on the side wall.

"You can do this Lola just don't think about him and everything will be fine" I mumble to myself trying to keep calm but it's not working.

I'm already feeling sick to my stomach and I know why. The stupid bond between us is too strong to break up and now I'm feeling sick because of it. I roll my eyes at my thoughts and watch Candice walk back to the car.

She sighs and closes the car door behind her, "Okay so we are all sorted. Would you like my number in case anything goes south?" She asks softly and I hesitate but nod.

After giving me her number, the gates open and I take a deep breath. This is my new, new beginning and I'm ready. that was a lie but hey I'm staying positive!

Candice stops the car next to another car at the very top of the hill, beside the house. I open the door slowly and stand up straight on shaky legs.

I wince as I stare down at my clothes. I look like I've been through hell....which I technically have. Kind of.

I hear Candice screech and run towards a women in her 20's at the door. They exchange hugs and high pitched squeals. I roll my eyes and walk to the back of the car, grabbing my suitcase and bag.

Rolling my suitcase along the tarmac I look around at the beautiful scenery. I don't really want to be here but I don't have a choice. I will be trapped in a lovely house with spectacular views so I can't really complain.

I stop a couple of feet behind Candice and let them have their moment. "Oh my god I knowwww! It's fine because I will be back when I can. I'm just so busy...." I block out their annoying voices and stare into space instead.

Anything is better than listening to them right now. They sound like teenage girls talking about their crushes. Not that I would know what that's like but I'd imagine this is exactly what it would sound like.

I look back up to Candice only to see she is hugging the women again. Ugh would they hurry up! I don't know why I'm so moody right now but I can take a guess and say it's because know.....that person.

"Anyway so this here is Lola, that I've told you so much about" Candice says sweetly and I cringe on the inside.

She's probably told this women I'm her daughter and talked about me like a mother should but it doesn't feel right especially since I literally only met her like last week!

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