Chapter 5: Insanity

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Hey cherries🍒 I'm back again! I'm so happy the way this book is turning out and I hope you're too:) I am extremely bored right now and I just couldn't wait to write another chapter! This starts off right after Lola notices Ethan staring at her. I hope you enjoy this one it's a handful to say the least. Enjoy;)

"Lola what's wrong?" Clara says noticing my sudden stop. She follows my eyes to see what I'm looking at and comes back to me, grabs my shoulders. "Hey look at me. Ignore him you hear me-" I look at her eyes "Ignore. Him." I nod my head fully determined to ignore that piece of dirt that's still staring at me. You got this Lola. Keep it together! Clara and I proceed to walk towards Caleb and Aubrey, and I make sure not to look at Ethan. As soon as we arrive Aubrey squeals in my ear "You were right Lola. He is here!" I laugh and give her a hug "God you should've seen her Caleb she was going crazy" I say to Caleb who is smiling sweetly at Aubrey."So was Caleb. He was pacing his room all morning and even had to go the forest to cool off!" I snap my head towards Liam after he spoke. He gives me a creepy look again but at least he doesn't completely despise me anymore. What's the big deal about going to the forest?! He probably just needed some fresh air. Aubrey giggles at Liams comment while Caleb looks so embarrassed turning bright red. Awww they're both so cute!

After we take our seats it's almost like we never left the old dining area because we're sitting in the exact same seats. "Why do you think they took us here with other years? It's kind of weird don't you think?" I say to them and they all shrug, "I guess they just wanted us to get to know everyone. I don't know honestly but we'll probably find out in a minute" Caleb says with a mouthful of eggs, I nod and we continue to finish our breakfast. I suddenly get a text so I check to see what it is.
Unknown: We need to talk. Now.
As I read the text with a slightly shocked face I look around the room to see if anyone is looking at me. When I don't see anything I put the phone down and finish off my slice of toast. My phone goes off again and I roll my eyes. Who the hell is texting me?
Unknown: Do you not speak English? I said now.
I instantly know who it is and turn around to the other table to see Ethan at the head of it staring at me with a cold expression making me shiver-not because I'm scared but simply because he is so mean but guess what I'm mad too Ethan so if you want to play we'll play!

Ethan suddenly stands up and heads for the doors, I quickly follow behind after excusing myself from the table but not before getting a look from Clara basically telling me not to take his crap-which I most certainly won't! After exiting the big doors I look both ways to see where he's gone. I start walking towards this other door that's slightly more down the hall. I open the door and see him pacing up and down a large wall that's full from top to bottom with books. Here we go then.

"What is it you wanted to talk to me about?" I ask with no emotion to my voice, he stops pacing and looks me in the eyes "This is all your fault!" He says angrily "Excuse me?" I say folding my arms in front of my chest. "Do you realise what you've done? You've ruined our alliances and now we have enemies coming to get us" he roughly says without breaking eye contact. Has he gone coo coo or something? What the hell is this man on?!

"Are you going insane or something? What are you on about?I haven't done anything!" I shout in his face. His nostrils flare "People saw what happened last night at the ball. Us touching and shit. Now you've ruined my plan so I can't go through with it because of what those certain people saw. They saw us connect Lola and know how strong it is." I stare at him with a confused expression. He is talking complete nonsense yet the only thing that caught my attention was "How do you know my name Ethan?" his face softens slightly that I almost didn't even notice, "I have my people, how do you know mine?" he says looking genuinely interested. P-lease he's just playing games with me now. "I have my people" I say repeating the same phrase he used, we then just stand there looking each other in the eyes-not in awkwardness just intensely observing each other's features.

A Silver Lining Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum