Chapter 30: The Feeling is Mutual

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Hey cherries🍒 Thank you so much for 600 reads I love you all!! ENJOY THE CHAPTER;)

"Oh my gosh! Lola honey are you okay?" Candice asks rushing over to where I am at the door of the office.

"I.....he just...." I can't even form words as I breakdown in Candice's arms.

After I've calmed down, Candice helps me sit down in one of the chairs and sits beside me. "Shhhhh you're okay. Take your time honey" Candice whispers, trying to calm me down and it weirdly works.

I take deep breaths and wipe my wet cheeks. "Umm-" I clear my throat and look up into her eyes "-Ethan bit me in my thigh a-and my arm and h-he went livid and I.....can't bare to be around was j-just so h-horrifying" I babble; not making any sense and a single tear escapes from my eye.

"Okay.....okay let me think" Candice says while staring at the ceiling; thinking. That's what I do when I'm thinking. I guess she really is my mom. Although I did hate her, at this moment she is the only person I want to be around. I can't quite figure out why though....?

I blink out of my train of thought when Candice stands up from her chair and walks behind the desk. "What are you doing?" I ask worried she's going to leave me or kick me out.

"I am going to help you get out of here Lola" she says determinedly and opens up a drawer, taking out car keys.

She walks back over and kneels in front of me taking my hands in hers. "Listen to me Lola and listen very carefully" I nod and she sighs.

"What Ethan did was horrible and I don't blame you for wanting to leave. Since Ethan is the alpha he is going to demand to be freed from the cell when he becomes sane again. They will have no choice but to free him as he is the one in charge.

"-He is going to look for you and he will do anything to get to you. We must think logically here. My question is to you....would you like to go back to Jenn and Mike?" I pause because I haven't thought about them in ages. I don't think I'm ready to go to them just yet so I shake my head.

"Okay, that's good because Ethan will get into your files and find out where you used to live. I have a good friend that lives in a house just 5 hours away from here. Witches used to live there a couple of centuries ago so the home is protected. Ethan won't be able to smell you or connect your minds once you've entered the house's territory.

"-As soon as you pass the gate of the house you will be secure. We must go quickly before Ethan isn't livid anymore. I will drive you there in Richards car, he is in Italy for an important meeting with packs so he won't mind. Come on now, we have packing to do." She finishes and stands up, taking me with her.

"Wait witches?!" I ask in disbelief and she turns to me with a small smile.

"Yes they used to be everywhere a long, long time ago but they've gone into hiding for some unknown reason" she says quickly and drags me outside the door.

As we make our way to my dorm I think about Ethan. How could he hurt me like that?! I now know what Aubrey was feeling...and still is feeling. She said she can't bring herself to face Caleb and I'm feeling the exact same way towards Ethan right now. What was I thinking? I couldn't save him so why did I even try?!

Candice opens the door to my dorm room and it's empty. Aubrey's probably helping clean up the whole.....situation in the forest.

I keep my hands on my arm and leg the whole time; trying to stop the blood that is still coming out of my injuries. I wince while I walk over to my bed and sit down. Candice grabs a bag and throws clothes in it, not bothering to fold them because we don't have time.

"Can you help me?" I ask and her head snaps towards me, giving me a surprised look.

"Ammm yeah. What do you need honey?" she asks and sits beside me on the bed.

"Can you help heal me? I think the wounds are too deep for just myself to heal" I say and look at her with pleading eyes.

"Yeah of course. I haven't used my healing abilities in quite a while actually." She says and places her hands on my thigh. I put my hand on my arm and we both close our eyes.

I take the pain away from my arm and it's so much easier to heal myself when somebody else is doing it with me because I didn't even have to concentrate that much.

I open my eyes to see both of my wounds are gone. I look up to Candice with a thankful expression "Thank you so much." I give her a smile and stand up to help with packing my clothes.

I turn to look at Candice only to see she is still sitting on my bed with the biggest smile on her face.

"What?" I ask completely oblivious. Did I miss something?

She shakes her head and stands up "Nothing it's just....I've waited so long to do that with you. It's almost like a dad having his first beer with his son." She says keeping her goofy smile on her face.

I laugh and shake my head "Whatever" she chuckles and playfully pushes me.

10 minutes later we are out of my dorm room with my suitcase and bag. I have a couple of items in Ethan's room but I can do without them. I left my dignity in there days ago anyway.

We rush through the halls and out the door in a flash. I throw my stuff in the trunk of the car and jump into the passenger seat. Candice speeds off, out of the gates and we finally make our escape.

Candice doesn't try and force conversation which I am extremely grateful for because I don't want it to be 5 hours of awkwardness.

I spend most of my time looking out of the window, silently crying about everything that went down. I know Candice can see that I'm crying but she just lets me be.

I can't believe this is actually happening!

I will never forgive Ethan for what he did to me. EVER!

I know he can't control the fact that he went livid but the fact he killed that boy so easily and then looked at me like I was his worst enemy.....I just can't bare it.

I didn't recognise him and he didn't recognise me either. He looked at me like he hated my guts. Well guess what Ethan?!

The feeling is mutual you fucking bastard!


Hey cherries🍒 Uh ohhh Ethan is for sure in the bad books now, isn't he?

Hope you're enjoying the storyline so far! See you all soon with a new chapter, which you wouldn't want to miss;)

Song: Roslyn By Bon Iver & ST. Vincent
I thought of this song when Lola was in the car making her escape:)

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