Chapter 32: Normality

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"Ummm okay come in I guess" I say with an uneasy smile.

"I know you're probably sick of these surprises but I feel like you have the right to know." Candice says making her way to my new bed. I nervously walk over and sit next to her.

"Okay-" she sighs and shifts on the bed so she's facing me "-I don't think you will mind that much but just keep an open mind listening to me okay?" she says quietly and I nod getting curious. I hope I won't mind that much because I don't think I can handle it if I do.

"So, you know the way Richard was with me when we announced that we were your parents?"


"Ya well Richard actually isn't your father-" my eyes go wide in shock. Holy Cow!

"-Don't worry he knows. We love each other deeply and Richard loves working at the college. Your real father abandoned me when he found out I was pregnant and I have no interest in looking for him and neither should you. I gave up on that a long time ago.

"-I was very scared but when I was...I'd say four months pregnant, I met Richard and the rest is history. I actually own the college...well my father did but during the battle between packs after you were born, my father passed away. My maiden name is Johnson, hence the name of the college.

"-I'm sorry we lied to you but I still can't bring myself to accept the fact your real father actually abandoned me-" she laughs bitterly "-I'm so sorry that you had to find out like this. I was just talking to Sandy and she mentioned it to me and I figured I should tell you before anyone else can.

"-I have told Sandy everything, don't worry you can trust her. She won't bother you much because she knows that you won't be feeling very good in the coming days. She told me to tell you to make yourself at home and eat as much food as you want....or can." She says with a laugh and I notice that I'm crying. But I'm not crying for myself. I'm crying for mom.

"Are you mad?" She says, sadness clear in her tone. I shake my head and laugh as I wipe away my tears.

"No of course not. I'm so sorry you had to go through that while pregnant with me. I understand why you gave me up for adoption. I don't know why....I guess it's taken me a while to comprehend it but I understand now."

Candice let's out a cry and grabs onto my shoulders pushing me towards her for a tight hug. I laugh lightly and Candice sniffs, "You've no idea how much that means to me Lola!" She sobs on my shoulder and I rub her back. I don't know what to say so I just stay silent.

"Oh wow I'm so pathetic!" Candice huffs with a laugh. She's far from pathetic with what she's been through. I'm the one that's pathetic. Even though she kept a big secret from me my entire life I can't bring myself to hate her any longer. She is my blood after all.

She pulls away from our embrace and looks down at her watch, "Gosh I better get back. Ring me if you need me." I nod and she gives me a peck on my forehead and leaves me in my new room sitting on my bed with hope. Hope that I can have a motherly relationship with my real mom.

When the clock reads 7pm I begrudgingly get off of my bed and head towards the kitchen.

"Oh hey Lola! How are you feeling?" Sandy asks looking concerned. I give her a thin smile,
"Much better after my shower and nap thanks." She waves a hand at me like it's not a big deal.

"Honestly it's nice to have another person in the house. Even if we don't talk...I like how there is somebody else in the house." She says looking down at her feet. For the first time since meeting her I see a vulnerable girl. She looks lonely and sad.

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