Chapter 19: Love Hurts

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Hey cherries🍒Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been losing motivation in my writing but I'm back now with a new chapter so I hope you like it!! Let's see what Caleb is like shall we;) Enjoyyy:)

I stare at Aubrey in complete shock. He bit her?! "WHAT?" I shout and Aubrey's cries are still going. I help her stand up with me and turn to look at Ethan with wide eyes. Ethan doesn't even notice me looking at him as he is staring at the massive bite mark on Aubrey's collarbone in confusion. I pull Aubrey over to her bed and kneel down in front of her. "Aubrey you're okay. I'll fix you I promise" I softly say when her cries have calmed down.

I gently pull down her t-shirt so it's off the shoulder. The bite looks a lot bigger then the one I got a while ago. It looks deeper and the blood hasn't stopped pouring out of her body. "Close your eyes Aubrey" I whisper and she turns her head away from me squeezing her eyes shut.

I place both of my hands over the mark and put some pressure on it, trying to stop the blood but it doesn't help. Closing my eyes I breathe deep breaths concentrating on getting the pain away from her. I squeeze down on her collarbone with my hands and bite my lip when some of her pain comes onto me. All of a sudden I remember the words that Candice told me this morning:
"Us healers are powerful but there are some injuries that take too much energy and will end up putting us in danger." I want to block that thought out of the way but I can't.

Feeling determined I continue to save Aubrey. I start to pant when my energy slowly slips away. I don't know how much time has gone by but I feel like my job is done, so I open my eyes and look at her collarbone. I sigh in relief when I see that it's gone. Aubrey turns her head looking at my bloody hands and then turns some more to look at the bite mark that was once there.

Aubrey smiles brightly "Oh Lola thank you so much! You saved me!" She exclaims turning to look at me. Her smile quickly disappears when she sees my state, "Lola.....what's wrong?" she asks looking worried and guilty. I feel the colour on my face drain but I put a small smile on my face "I'm fine......just need....." I look around for Ethan and when I don't see him I panic. "Where's...?" I say and turn to Aubrey, she looks at me confused. "...Ethan?" I say feeling like going to go to sleep but I refuse.

"Oh ya he went to get Liam. I told him to leave when you were healing me" Aubrey says and my face twists into anger. "Why....would you.... do.....that?!" I grit out in between pants. I feel like I'm going to pass out. Aubrey looks scared for a split second but covers it up with guilt. "I'm sorry Lola I thought it was for the best. I thought you would be fine" she says with a wince.

I slowly stand up on shaky legs ignoring the pain between them and ignoring the pain everywhere else. I trip on my own feet but catch myself on the wall. I try and get to the door but the whole room starts to spin. NO I NEED TO GET TO ETHAN! DON'T PASS OUT LOLA! I squeeze my eyes shut trying to regain my balance.

When I open my eyes everything becomes more clear. "LOLA DON'T GO ANYWHERE!YOU AREN'T FEELING WELL! Just... go into bed!" Aubrey shouts from behind me and I shake my head frantically. "No I need Ethan" I whisper and tears blur my vision. "I'll call him just....please stay here" Aubrey says pleading with her voice.

I ignore her and finally make it to the door. I use all of my strength to twist the door knob and open the door. I feel Aubrey grab my arm when she sees me almost fall to the ground. I get out of her grip and she growls at me "Let me help you Lola" Aubrey says in a stern voice scaring me slightly. Her wolf is coming out. "Okay" I slur and she wraps my arm around her shoulders and her arm around my hip. I whimper when the pain spreads all around my body.

Candice warned me about this. The bite mark was too deep. It was too much for me. I'm now in danger. "Deep cuts or injuries are too much for us to handle." She warned me and I didn't listen. I'm an idiot. But I had to save Aubrey. She's my best friend, I don't know what I would've done to myself if I didn't at least try. The cut on my stomach was too deep for me so I couldn't handle it, but the bite mark on Aubrey was so much deeper than my cut.

I drag my feet along the ground and slowly lose my vision. STAY AWAKE LOLA! I groan when we turn a corner. "Lola did you and Ethan complete the bond?" Aubrey asks all of a sudden and I nod with a confused expression. "Perfect. Before this you could vaguely communicate with your thoughts, correct?" She says and I nod once, feeling dizzy. "Now that it's complete it's stronger than ever. Especially since you both are true mates Ethan will without a doubt hear you from a far distance" she assures me.

Ethan I need you. Help me. Baby, I'm in danger. When I finish trying to send my message I hear a crash from far away. What was that? I would ask Aubrey but I don't have the energy. I moan in pain and I feel blood enter my mouth. I come to halt with wide eyes. Oh no. Aubrey stops too and turns to me looking alarmed when she sees my face. I try my best to hold the blood in my mouth but I can't hold on for much longer. "What happened? Is it Ethan?" She asks completely oblivious to what's going on inside my body.

I shake my head really fast and I start to cry silently making sure to keep my mouth closed. Aubrey tucks my hair behind my ears and rubs my back as comfort. We hear someone running in the distance and look up. It's Caleb! I feel Aubrey stiffen beside me. Caleb looks ashamed and scared. Why does he look scared?

"Aubrey..." he breathes out, his eyes going down to her collarbone and back up to her face. He's probably wondering how the hell his bite mark is gone. "Go away you bastard!" Aubrey screams and I feel more blood enter my mouth. I'm dying from the inside and out but I must protect Aubrey.

She's hurting. Her heart hurts to see him. He was supposed to take care of her. He failed her. Love does this to you. Love hurts.

I stumble in front of her with tears in my eyes of the pain. Aubrey moves over beside me and holds my hand but it's not enough support and I fall onto my knees. I groan at the impact but Aubrey quickly helps me back up.

"I'm so sor-" Caleb starts but gets cut off by loud footsteps behind him and I cry when I see Ethan looking furious. Ethan must've thought my message was because of Caleb. He probably thought I was in danger alone with Caleb. His eyes are burning into the back of Caleb's head and I see Liam jogging up to Ethan, to catch up. Liam gasps when he sees me and Ethan looks back at him in confusion.

Ethan follows his gaze and when it lands on me his mouth falls open not wasting anytime getting to me. I put my arm out in front of me making him stop. "Lola, oh my god what hap-" his voice sounds so strained but he gets cut off by me releasing the pool of blood in my mouth. Ethan's eyes resemble one emotion and one emotion only. Fear.

He picks me up so fast I don't even see him coming. I whimper as he makes me wrap my arms around his neck and he holds me at my butt. I groan as he runs like lightning making his way to the emergency room. "Shhhh baby. You will live! I'm going to make sure of it" he assures me and I cry into his neck tightening my arms around him. I know he's telling the truth. He vowed to protect me. I'm going to be okay. Right?

Hey cherries🍒 Lola just can't catch a break can she?! If you are confused as to what day it is, it's Tuesday afternoon and Lola arrived to the college on Friday. I know only a couple of days have gone by and she is already in love but being someone's mate really speeds things up. A lot has happened to Lola in only 4 days but don't worry things will eventually calm down for a little while. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait for you all to read the next one:) Love ye guys! See you soon;)

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