Chapter 4: Charms Changed

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Hey cherries🍒 I'm back with a new chapter! This chapter starts off right after Lola meeting Ethan for the first time. I'm sorry if you're confused as hell about what's happening but I promise both you and Lola will find out everything very soon. Sorry if there is mistakes in this I would fix them but I'm really not bothered:) Enjoy your read!

Insane. I felt like I was going INSANE! What the hell just happened? I start walking back towards Clara and Aubrey. As if hearing my confused thoughts they both look up at me when I'm about twenty steps away. Aubrey rushes to my side "Whats wrong? What the hell happened? We were wondering where you went to. Lola. LOLA!" She snaps her fingers in front of my face as I was staring into space with a confused expression on my face. I snap my head up and look at her, "I don't know" I say in a low voice "WHAT?! What do you mean you DON'T know?" Aubrey says while dragging me to a nearby chair. I sit down and say "I mean I have no idea what just happened...I mean he was just there and now....I feel lost that he's gone.." I trail off and look up in her eyes. "Who Lola, who are you talking about? Tell us what happened" Clara demands and I sigh "When the two of ye were talking I saw this boy and I walked up to him because I felt like I needed to be near him. He said he couldn't believe I was real and then left me standing there all confused!" I say with slight anger in my voice because what if I never see him again. "Okay, okay remain calm. We might know him, what's his name?" Aubrey says in a sweet voice that calms me down slightly. "The stupid man that took him away from me called him Ethan" I say and they both gasp, "WHAT? As in...Ethan-" Aubrey turns her head both ways to see if anyone is listening and whispers "Ethan Jenson?" Wait that name sounds so familiar! Jenson? Jensonnnnn? Oh wait JENSON!! "Yes....but isn't that Christopher's last name?" They both nod their heads slowly with shocked expressions on their faces. "He's the Vice Presidents son!" I whisper yell at both of them and I start to panic a little. Omg I'm going to get expelled! Okay I'm overreacting but still! Ugh it doesn't matter nothing is going to happen anyway.

"Lola I don't think you realise how big this is. Ethan doesn't talk to anyone! He's really scary and the stuff he's done....he's trouble!" Clara exclaims in a huff but I roll my eyes at her "Clara listen, even if that's true that big scary guy must be his twin because THAT was not the Ethan I just spoke to" I say as I remember the way he rubbed the back of his hand on the side of my face. Man what I would give to have that mans hand between my- HOLY COW gosh Lola keep it together women! "That's so weird Lola because I heard he treats everyone like absolute shit" Aubrey says and I once again am very confused. That's not the Ethan I know...okay I actually don't know him but I feel like I do!

Our conversation gets interrupted by Christopher "Good evening everyone and thank you so much for attending the annual Moonlight Masked Ball!" The room cuts him off by cheering and clapping like crazy "Okay okay calm down everyone I just thought I would say that the drinks are cut off from this point on and the ball will be ending in an hour-" everyone boo's, including myself because I want to find Ethan again "This is a very special night that the two presidents wish they could attend but are out of town at the moment" he then makes eye contact with me and I shift uncomfortably "I hope you found what you're looking for and enjoyed the night!" He breaks eye contact and walks off the stage. That was so creepy and I feel very tired all of a sudden and I want to go back to the room-IMMEDIATELY!

The orchestra continues to play a sweet and soft tune and I turn to the girls to discover they're already looking at me with a worried expression. "Lola are you okay? You don't look too good" Clara says with concern and Aubrey nods, agreeing with her. "I don't know I just....don't feel well...did u see...Christopher looking at me just there?" I say very slowly, taking deep breaths in between. Aubrey nods her head "I did yeah. That look he gave you was really scary, and I know he was saying a sweet sentence but he looked like he wanted to kill you" she says looking genuinely freaked out. "Ya I really don't want to be here anymore. I'm going to head back to the room and ye guys stay here. Before you say no I really want to go by myself okay?" They both nod and I head out the doors.

These hallways are very dark and old fashioned with no lights just candles. I feel very lightheaded and like I'm going to pass out so I speed up my walking. It is so quiet in these halls all you can hear is my heels hitting the floor. I turn the corner and walk right into a hard chest and I instantly know who it is. I slowly lift my head up to the magical face I almost touched just an hour ago. "Sorry" I whisper staring in his beautiful brown eyes, my mouth is in a small smile but I can't lift it any further because number 1, I don't have the energy and number 2, he is looking at me like I'm that buzzy fly in your room that you just can't get rid of. "What's wrong with you?" Ethan asks sounding very annoyed, I stop looking into his eyes and stare at the ground "I'm sorry I was just walking back to my room" I mumble feeling sad that the Ethan I met an hour ago is long gone. "Watch where you're walking and stop staring at the ground you look pathetic" he says through is teeth and shoulders past me back towards the ballroom. My mouth is wide open in shock as tears pool in my eyes. How. Rude. Why was he being so mean? I thought that....we had something but I guess I was wrong.

I quickly get back to my room, close the door and slide down until my butt hits the ground. I stick my face in between my knees and cry my eyes out. This is why I've never gotten involved with a boy! About 30 minutes later I'm showered and dressed in pale pink silk pyjamas. I text my Mom updating her on the past two days and send picks of Clara, Aubrey and I dressed up for the ball. After I text her about everything-apart from Ethan because there's nothing to say-I lie in bed and slowly close me eyes praying that tomorrow will be better.

I get woken up the next morning with a knock on the door. I shoot out of bed in shock and grab my pocket knife(which I have on me at all times because you never know what will happen) and I head towards the door. I shoot a look at Aubrey who is passed out snoring with her mouth wide open. Normally I would laugh at the scene in front of me but there is a stranger at the door so ya not a laughing matter! I slowly open the door with the knife behind my back to discover that there's nobody there but an envelope on the ground. "Hmm.." I say to myself, pick it up and close the door. Once I've opened the envelope I notice that it's just informing us that we've been moved to a different dining area with a mixture of every other year. Huh that's random.

An hour has gone by and I've woken up Aubrey and told her about the dining situation that she isn't happy about because Caleb mightn't be there. I also got dressed in a white denim sleeveless dress that stops mid thigh with a cute back belt in the middle. I also threw on some makeup, black flats and put my hair in a ponytail. To say I'm proud of myself is an understatement! Anyway so now we are walking towards our new eating area and I'm really nervous.

We both walk in and it looks the exact same as the other room...just with new people. "It's fine see, he's probably here somewhere Aubrey" I tell Aubrey trying to keep her calm. "I know but still I mightn't see him for a long time if he's not here" she says in a small sad voice. I really pity her because I would probably feel the same if I was her. I put my right arm around her and rub her arm up and down in a sign of comfort. "AUBREY!!!" Both of our heads shoot up to see Clara running up to us, she stops in front of Aubrey and senses her sadness but...smiles? Why is she smiling?! I look over at Aubrey and see she is starting to get really angry but Clara quickly explains "Wow Aubrey Lola is right you really do look scary when you're angry" she says with a cheeky smile and I giggle at her comment but stop when Aubrey growls at me. What is with her and growling she not a DOG! "Omg calm down I was joking but anyway I wanted to say hi and alsoooo Caleb is here" Clara says and both Aubrey and I gasp and look around. "WHERE IS HE?" Aubrey screeches in excitement, "oh right ya he is..." Clara turns and looks around "...right over there. See him?" Aubrey is already off running to the other side of the room hugging Caleb. I laugh softly with Clara and we walk towards them but I come to a stop when I see Ethan in the table beside Caleb's staring right at me. He looks so angry and annoyed at me. Oh. No.

Hey cherries🍒 What is Ethan's deal?? Well we will find out in the coming chapters! I hope you enjoyed that chapter and if you did comment, vote and follow me...I mean if you want:) See you in the next chapter where Lola gives Ethan a piece of her mind!

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