Chapter 8: Perfectly Powerful

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Hey cherries🍒 Glad you decided to read this book. I hope you're enjoying it so far! A bunch of twists and turns have happened and a bunch more have yet to come. Let's find out more about Lola having powers;) ENJOY:)

"No I don't, I don't have powers. You're talking crap now" I say with a nervous laugh "Listen Lola I get you're confused but you have to understand the massive bite mark that was once here is gone! You being a healer is the only logical answer here!" the women says raising her voice getting annoyed with me.

The door bursts open and Ethan runs in comes over to me with a worried look "What's happening in here Trish?" he says without breaking eye contact with me. "Ethan the bite mark is gone. Lola is a healer!" Trish says showing him where the bite mark once was, "What the....?" he says and that's when I burst out laughing.

They both turn to me giving me a confused look. "You guys are hilarious. Listen I believe the whole werewolf thing because well I got bitten by one. But me having powers? Please, that's just nonsense" I say with tears coming out of my eyes from laughing so much. They should really be comedians. HILARIOUS!

"Baby, Trish is telling the truth. It's the only explanation for why it's gone" Ethan says and my mood goes back down again because I know he's telling the truth, I can sense it.

Suddenly getting a weird feeling in my hands I stare down at them and start to sweat. "What's wrong baby? What's going on?" Ethan says in a soothing voice and Trish takes my hands for a split second than let's go, "OMG YOU'RE ON FIRE LOLA!" Trish exclaims and Ethan takes my hands in his and let's go as well.

What's happening to me?! "Lola baby are you okay?" Ethan says is a frantic voice, "Ethan I don't......I don't feel so good.....I'm getting this......this weird feeling in my...hands" I start to breathe really fast. I close my eyes and get the urge to get the feeling out of my hands when I open them fire is coming out of them. FIRE! Fire is coming out of my hands!

"What the fuck is happening? Ethan help me!" I scream out of fright "Lola close your eyes and do the opposite of what you did to make that happen" I quickly close my eyes and do what Ethan tells me. I think of the fire going away from my hands and then I open one eye to make sure it worked and it did! "Trish why did that just happen?" I ask Trish who is now standing at the other side of the room looking scared.

"I.....I don't know. I've never seen or heard of that happening before" she says in a shaky voice. "So you're telling me I can heal myself and have some sort of fire power" I exclaim looking at both of them in disbelief, "Maybe a part of being a healer is the fire. You see, being a healer you can heal others. Maybe the fire would come in handy to sterilise wounds?" Ethan says trying to piece everything together.

"That might be right because we've never had a healer before so that's probably the reason. I heard that healers can't heal themselves until they have been marked by their true mate. Since werewolves can heal themselves and you're a healer it proves that Ethan is you're true mate." I look up at Ethan and intertwine my hand with his and he brings it to his lips giving the back of my hand a soft kiss.

"I told you you're my true mate" Ethan says and I roll my eyes at him because he completely ignored all the other stuff. "Okay so there is no point in me being here as I'm fully healed....thanks to myself. So I'm allowed to leave?" I ask Trish but even if she says no I'm out of here anyway-I hate hospitals. "Yeah that's it. You can get dressed into the clothes that are on the chair. Have a nice day, I will be seeing a lot more of you as you're the only healer we have" Trish says and I'm on the verge of rolling my eyes at her but I just clench my teeth, nod and she finally leaves the room.

"You really don't like her do you?" Ethan says with an amused expression on his face "No I actually don't. There's something about her that just annoys me. I think she's rude!" I say in a huff and Ethan just chuckles. "Aubrey brought those clothes down for you so don't blame me if they suck" Ethan says gesturing towards the pile of clothes on the chair to my right.

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