Chapter 15: Liar, Liar Pants on Fire

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Hey cherries🍒 I'm back again! I hope your all enjoying the book so far:) Let's take a look and see how Lola's getting on;) Enjoyyyy this chapter!

"HELPPPPPPP!" I shout at the top of my lungs. There's no way out! I can't even attempt to climb a tree because they're covered in fire. My knees buckle and I try and control my breathing. I start to have a cough attack and I'm too numb to feel the tears that are most likely pouring down my face right now.

"Please someone, anyone. Help me" I whine and crawl over to the branch that Daniel knocked down. There is an opening that doesn't have any fire on it-yet. I gather up all of the strength I can and climb up. I dig my fingers into the branch and my nails start to bleed . I groan as I make my way to the top of the branch. My shoes have fallen off and I'm left in my bare feet trying to climb.

I scream in pain when I feel the branch dig into the skin of my feet. I'm almost to the top and I can just see above the branch. I gasp when I see Daniel-still in werewolf form- staring right at me.

"Daniel please help me" I beg my voice is so hoarse it hurts to talk. Daniel walks slowly over to me, "Yes thank you so much" I whisper and a small smile is placed on my lips. Daniel comes right up to the branch in arms reach of me. "Just a little closer..." I say reaching out as far as I can, holding my breath trying to not scream in pain.

Daniel leans his head forward letting me hold onto his fur for a grip. I reach out and hold on with both of my hands as tears of joy come down my face. I'm finally going to be free! Daniel looks up at me and grins showing me his werewolf fangs and I twist my head in confusion. Why is he smiling like that?

Daniel flips his head up making me fly backwards onto my back on the other side of the branch. "DANIEL!! HELP ME PLEASE!! DANIEL!" I scream so loud my throat feels like sandpaper. "NOOOO!" I sob my eyes out when I come to realise that I'm never getting out of here. I'm going to die!

I close my eyes hugging my knees to my chest and try my best to use the mating bond to try and connect with Ethan. I rock back and forth on my heels feeling scared out of my mind. I can't get a clear picture of where Ethan is but I try my best to send a message to him. Ethan please help me I'm trapped. The forest is on fire and I have no way out. Please help me! I start to pray to god hoping he'll help me out.

I feel my lungs tighten up and I cough uncontrollably. My breathing gets wheezy and the tears come down my face clouding my vision. No Lola you can get out of this! Don't give up. I slowly get up on shaky legs and see the the fire is closing in on me. "Shit shit shit...." I mumble to myself. I look around finding no way out seeing the gap that was once there on the branch is now gone.

Feeling determined to get out of here I turn into Melissa feeling stronger than ever. I put both arms out in front of me using all the power I have to move the fire out of the way, creating a pathway for me. "Holy shit!" I shout when it works. I keep my arms out in front of me and start to run, getting as far away as possible from the bushfire.

When I get out of the worst of it there is smoke everywhere and I find the energy to cough again. I switch back into Lola and drag my feet along the ground trying to find my way out of the forest. My feet are stained with blood as well as my hands and I'm covered in ash from the fire. My tank top is ripped along my stomach which in turn has given me a big cut. Everything is going to take a while to heal because of how weak I am.

I start to cry because I can't see anything it's so dark out here. There is smoke everywhere my eyes are starting to burn. I glance behind me and see that the fire is spreading a lot faster and is on its way towards me. "Fuck!" I shout and start to run away from the fire. I trip on a rock on the ground and fall on my face. I groan from the impact and touch my forehead already feeling a bump forming. I try to stand up but my legs are shaking so much I can't do it.

I look up and see a shadow coming towards me for a split second I think it's Ethan and I smile but that smile quickly disappears when I see Daniel back in his human form coming towards me. "W-what are you doing?" I ask in a quiet voice and start to back away. "Shut up" he growls and grabs me by the upper arm and lifts me up so that I'm standing. I whimper and try and get out of his grip, "LET GO OF ME ASSHOLE!" I shout in his face. He keeps his gaze ahead of him and walks faster. "What do you want from me, I have nothing" I whisper and my heartbeat speeds up. "You apparently have something the presidents want and I'm just following my orders" he says in a flat tone. The presidents of the college want me? "Why did you leave me in the forest to die 30 minutes ago then?" I ask getting annoyed at him.

Daniel smirks "That's none of your concern but we'll figure that out another time" he says with humour in his voice. I shiver when we get closer to the college, I don't want to see the presidents. Something tells me they're bad news. "Where's Ethan?" I ask suddenly worried about him. Daniel laughs "He's downstairs in the training room celebrating his win from playing stick tag" he says with a big smile on his face. "Does he know about the fire?" I ask narrowing my eyes, "No of course not and we're going to keep it that way" he says looking almost offended. "He's going to start looking for me you know" I say with a smug smile on my face, "So what if he does?! You're having a meeting with the presidents of the college, there's nothing wrong with that" he says and I frown because I know he's right.

We head through the doors of the college and turn right, down a long hallway. I see the office at the very end of the hall and I sigh. I really don't want to be here. Daniel lets go of me and gestures to the door with his head making me knock. I knock three times and a tall middle aged man with light brown hair and a beard answers the door with a big smile on his face. His smile somehow puts me at ease-slightly. "Hello there Lola my name is Richard Walter and this here-" he gestures to the beautiful women around his age with blond hair sitting behind a big wooden desk on the other side of the room "-is my wonderful wife Candice Walter and we're the presidents of the college. Please come on in." I take a step inside feeling like the odd one out because my clothes are all bloody and ripped.

Richard and Candice are dressed to perfection. Richard is wearing a suit and tie. Candice is wearing a black knee length pencil skirt and a white blouse from what I can see. I slowly make my way to the chair in front of the desk. Richard sits down beside Candice and they both give me a warm, welcoming smile.

"Thank you Daniel for bringing in Lola. I'm so glad you saved her from that horrible fire" Candice says in a sweet southern accent. I turn around and see Daniel giving me an evil eye "Yes it took some time but I found her. When I saw her she was trapped so I had to help her out. It's my duty" he says with a fake smile but they both seem to buy it and he closes the door. Lier, lier pants on fucking fire.

I turn back to both of the presidents trying to keep my face calm and give them a nervous smile "Hi I'm so glad to meet you but if you don't mind me asking....what exactly am I doing here? Did I break a rule? Because if I did I'm so-" Richard cuts me off with a laugh "No Lola you most certainly did not break a rule. There is no easy way to say this but-" he looks at Candice sweetly and back at me. I shift uncomfortably under their stare. Something is up. "-we are your parents Lola." Holy fuck!

Hey cherries🍒 Bet you didn't see that one coming! What are your thoughts on Daniel?? I hope ye guys enjoyed this chapter, it was a bit rushed so don't judge me too much! Love you all so much and thank you for reading:) See you soon with a new chapter;)

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