Chapter 7: Mate

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Hey cherries🍒 I hope ye all are having an amazing day! This chapter takes off right after Lola and the werewolf so if you can't remember what happened just read the last chapter and you will be all good:) Hopefully Lola will be okay! Let's find out what happens, ENJOYY;)

I'm in so much pain. I want to scream, to cry, to move my mouth. But I can't move a single muscle. I can hear what's happening around me but I can't see or say a word. This is so frustrating I want to call for help. Please God help me get out of this mess. I can hear birds chirping and the leaves blowing with the wind.

Where did the werewolf go? I feel a big bite mark around my ribs. I can feel the blood gushing out of me. I can feel the dry tears I once cried a while ago talking to Ethan. Ethan. I regret saying those words to him. He's not a monster. I don't regret the kiss. I acted out of anger. I acted like he forced me to kiss him, but he didn't. I kissed him because I trust him and I like him and now I may never see him again. Please Ethan come back to me. Please if you're out there I need you. I can hear shouts of my name in the distance but I don't recognise the voice as it's so far away.

"LOLA! LOLA NO PLEASE NO LOLA! COME BACK TO ME!"'s Ethan. Oh Ethan I'm so sorry. As if hearing my thoughts "It's okay, your okay I'm here now. You're going to be okay!" He says in a hurry and I feel him lift me up in a princess style and run towards the college I presume.

A couple of minutes go by and the running stops, I get lied down on a bed and I feel myself drift away. No come on Lola you're okay. KEEP IT TOGETHER! Be strong! "Help her! Hurry up" I hear Ethan shout at someone. "I'm afraid she has lost a ton of blood and isn't going to make it" I hear a women say, no no no I'm going to make it, please help me make it. "What can I do? There has to be something!" Ethan says frantically. "There is one could mark her" the women says in a calm voice. Mark me? What does that mean? I'm drifting away so much that I can no longer hear their talking. Help me please God help me!

I feel a hand tangle in my hair tilting my head back and I instantly know it's Ethan's. I feel his hot breath on my neck settling in the juncture of my neck and shoulder. He scrapes his teeth over the spot before biting down hard, breaking the skin and tasting my blood. Oh. My. God. I want to move and touch him but my body still cannot move an inch. Ethan continues to suck strongly on the patch of skin he bit down on. Wanting me. Needing me. Claiming me. Once his mouth leaves my skin I slowly fall into a deep sleep.

Owww my body is throbbing with pain. I try to remember what happened over the last 12 hours and it's all kind of a blur. The werewolf. Ethan. The mark. Omg! My eyes shoot open once I remember everything. I quickly get blinded my the bright shin of the lights in the room. I slowly sit up and adjust to the lighting. I look around the empty room and everywhere I look is all white and clean. White walls, white table in the corner, white doors. Very modern!

I slip out of bed and walk towards the mirror on the wall I look at my clothes that is now a hospital gown. My hair is a mess, I have bags underneath my eyes and there is a..."Oh my god" I mumble to myself when I notice the mark on my neck. It's the mark Ethan left. I suddenly feel very lightheaded and am losing balance. Yet the only arms I want around me are Ethan's.

Where is he? I need him. I start to panic, I want Ethan and he isn't here. All of a sudden two strong arms come around my middle from behind and I melt into them. "You're okay. I'm here now" he whispers into my ear making me feel safe and secure. I turn around in his arms and stare into his eyes "Don't ever leave me again. Ever. I'm so sorry I said what I said. I.....I didn't mean to...I just..." tears start to appear in my eyes-again "Shhhhh it's okay I'm never going to leave you. Not because you told me to but because I want you by my side all the time." I nod slowly and wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tightly. He puts his head in the crook of my neck and puts his arms securely around my waist. I now feel happy and content again.

"Ethan?" "Mhmm" he mumbles in my neck "The mark you left on my neck....what does it mean?" He lifts his head up and looks me in the eyes. "It means that you are mine. It shows that we have a strong bond that can never be broken. It also proves to you that I will protect you at all times and I'll never leave your side." my eyes close and I sigh feeling even more content. "Are you mine Lola" Ethan whispers, his eyes never leaving mine, "Yes" I breathe out and he smiles "Good because I am yours."

"So sorry to interrupt-" a women says rudely walking in without my permission "-but Lola I would like to take a look at your bite mark" I nod and Ethan helps me onto the bed never letting go of my hand. "Ammm...alone" the women says to Ethan and he growls and kisses me on the forehead "I'll be back as soon as you're done" he whispers in my hair.

After Ethan reluctantly leaves the room the women lifts up my gown, "Huh? That's strange" the women says squinting her eyes at my side, "What? What's wrong with me?" I say with wide eyes. "No just the mark from the attack it's's gone" the women says with a questioning look on her face "What?! How can it be gone?" I shout at her demanding answers "I don't know but I have a feeling it's because you're a healer" she says as if it's so obvious. What the hell is a healer? "What?" the women rolls her eyes "It looks like you have powers Lola and it's a very rare one at that." Excuse Me?

Hey cherries🍒 Surprised? I hope you liked this chapter. What are your thoughts on Ethan and Lola? Give this a vote, comment if you'd like. Hope you enjoyed:) See you very soon;)

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