Chapter 6: Werewolves

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Hey cherries🍒 Just a warning there is a very mad Lola🙈 This chapter is a handful and there is a lot of information in it but I'll try make it easy for you to understand:) Okay I'm going to shut up now so you can read, ENJOYYYYY;)

"Lola....Lola, LOLAAAAAAA!" Aubrey shouts in my face that is currently staring into space. This can't be happening! "Lola we get you're shocked, we're shocked too. We thought you were a werewolf as well. I'm so sorry that you had to find out like this" Clara says in a small voice and I blink out of my trance. "I.....I don't......okay I have questions" I say trying my hardest not to freak out, they both nod. "Of course and we'll answer them" Aubrey says looking in my eyes but I quickly look away not feeling comfortable.

"So everyone in this college is a werewolf?" They both nod slowly "Does that mean this is a werewolf college?" Clara nods while Aubrey explains "Yes it is we're all training to be a good hunter in this college. You see this place has a pack...probably the most powerful werewolf pack around and whoever wants to be part of it comes here to train to....audition at the end of our time here" Aubrey says and I give her a confused look still trying to keep my breathing steady.

"Okay so we all spend four years here. At the end of each year there is a big test to see if we will come back the next year. Some people get in, some people are sent home. So by the time the forth year comes there is 15 people left and they all battle to get into the top 7 to become apart of the pack." Clara says looking at me with a wary expression. Okay so that makes more sense. "So....the forest is for...the wolves-" I gulp not believing what is coming out of my mouth "-to hunt or just run around?" I say in a shaky voice and they both nod "Yes exactly. The training is for defence and to become more powerful. The classes are to learn about other threats.....aka other dangerous packs. The class that you are studying here is 'veterinary' which is basically a person who helps with the wolves wounds after a hunt" Clara says and I stand up and start to pace around the room.

This is all too much! I can't believe I'm in a college full of werewolves! Wait a second, I turn to look at them beginning to panic "Wait...does that mean Ethan....?" Clara looks at Aubrey with a worried expression then back at me with pity in her eyes "Yes he is a werewolf but he's also the Alpha which means he is the leader of the pack and the most powerful." That does it, I open the door and start to run down the halls. I can hear their distant shouts calling my name but I don't stop running. I've never ran this fast in my life but I guess being surrounded by killer werewolves does that to you.

I continue to run out of the college into the forest. I don't stop running. I feel free for the first in my life. The wind in my hair, nobody to tell me how perfect I am, no parents, no werewolves, just me. After running probably a good 800 meters into the forest I stop and look around, there is fog everywhere and it's beginning to get dark, which is so strange because I just had breakfast like two hours ago. I'm not even scared because I feel more safe out here by myself.

My heart starts to beat faster when I remember that the wolves come out here to hunt. It's too late now, I'm way too far away from the college to call for help. I want to keep running so I continue running further and further away from the werewolves. I don't know where I'm going but I'm so glad I wore flats today! Wow why am I such a girl! I'm running away from WEREWOLVES and the thing that comes to my mind is the good choice in shoes I'm wearing!

After running another couple of hundred metres I come to a halt when I see a big tree blocking my way. It must of fell over in a storm. I'm about to climb over it but stay still staring at the big trunk because I feel someone behind me. I slowly turn around to see Ethan standing there shirtless about 15 steps away from me. He's looking at me with a pained expression on his face. I just stand there waiting for him to speak first, but he never does so I turn back around and attempt to climb over the tree. "DON'T!" Ethan shouts but I don't pay attention and focus on trying to get the hell away from him.

I feel two strong arms warp around my waist from behind and I get pulled to the ground. "LET ME GO YOU KILLER!" I scream kicking my legs trying to escape his hold on me and he reluctantly frees me. I back up with my arms in front of me until my back touches the tree. "Stay. Away. From. Me" I say with tears brimming my eyes. "Lola....please" Ethan says with a pleading look in his eyes, "NO, NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT. I CAN'T BELIEVE I ACTUALLY KISSED YOU" I shout in his face while the tears pour down my face. "Lola I would never hurt you. NEVER. Please just come back to the college and we can talk" he says reaching his arm out to touch me but I back away some more "No I'm never going back there again! I want to go HOME far away from you and your pets!" I shout while folding my arms across my chest in a sign of self protection.

I can see tears in Ethan's eyes but I don't care, he's only acting "Lola please listen to me....that kiss that we had was something special...please....just....believe me. I know you felt it too. You can't leave me I won't be" he trails off with a very pained expression that it almost looks like he is slowly being killed. "Stop Ethan. JUST STOP! I can't believe I let a monster like you kiss me and not only that were...." I look away and the tears come back pooling in my eyes so much that my vision turns blurry.

"What Lola, what was I?" He whispers and I make eye contact again "You were my first kiss Ethan. My first kiss and I regret ever second of it" I whisper as one single tear comes down Ethan's face. "Now please turn around and leave me alone. NOW! PLEASE JUST GO!!!" I shout while the tears come down my face uncontrollably. "But...." Ethan looks at my face and I can see the defeat in his eyes once he realises I'm never going near him. EVER. AGAIN. He slowly makes his way back towards the college and and I breathe out a sigh of relief and wipe my hand across my face getting rid of the tears.

Once I've finally managed to pull myself up the tree I jump onto the ground and walk straight ahead heading for the unknown. "I cannot believe his ass. Ugh this is why boys are annoying and useless and pieces of......" I continue mumbling to myself as I make my way through the forest. I don't know what it is but ever since I crossed over that tree I've been getting an off feeling. I quickly look both ways to see if anyone else is here and when I look back ahead of me I notice a black figure. I squint my eyes because I can't quite figure out what the shape is like. Well it's definitely not a person.

I take one step forward and look more intensely. My eyes go wide when I slowly realise that it's a WEREWOLF! I start to back away and turn around and run for my life. My breathing goes out of control and I start to panic when I hear the werewolf behind me. I continue to to run until I get back to the tree trunk and quickly jump on to climb up it. Tears start to blur my vision, I feel the wolf's teeth sink into my side and everything goes black.

Hey cherries🍒 Soooo....that happened. Lola still didn't get a full explanation from Aubrey and Clara so if you're still confused you'll soon know everything! What do you think of that werewolf? Hopefully Lola will be okay:( I wonder how Ethan will react;) I hope you enjoyed see you very soon!

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