💜Chapter Forty💜

Começar do início

I was happy with the dress I picked. It was alluring and perfect for a bunch of idiots like the guys who took Melanie. I was going to get all the attention centered on me then leave before any of my friends noticed. I wasn't planning on waiting on Gus to be in the alley. I didn't want anyone else I loved getting hurt. Of course I wasn't letting anyone else in on this information either because I know they'd tell Gus. I put on my dress though and some black heels. Ones that were comfortable even though I knew I'd have them off at some point.

I then put some perfume on and asked the rest of the girls if they were ready. They all said yes so we went downstairs where the guys already were smoking a blunt. Passing it back and forth amongst each other. Once Gus got it again I grabbed it from him and took some hits. I then gave it back to him and looked in his eyes.

"Are you ready baby?" "I'm ready. Are you?" "I am." "Okay."

He kissed my forehead then we all got up and went to get in the car. The guys were basically all dressed the same in black. I thought we actually all looked cool. But I had to remember why we were even doing this in the first place. I was ready but I just hoped everything went according to plan.

+Melanie's Pov+

I had to get the fuck out of here. I had to. I didn't know how I was going to do it but I was getting out of here. I tried at my restraints again. Then I realized Stephanie taught me a trick for this. I slipped my hand out of the slip tie after doing a special flip to it and I got the ones off my feet.

"Aha! See! I knew we weren't trapped!" "What are you doing?" "I'm getting the hell out of here. And you're coming with me. Whether you fucking like it or not."

I walked towards her and she looked up at me.

"W-Who are you?" "I won't tell who I am if you won't."

I looked around for something I could break her chain off with and she sighed.

"What? What's wrong?" "The guy that brought me in..he always has the keys on him."

I looked around again and then looked at the girl.

"Call for help." "What?" "Call for help. The guy will come in and I'll try and knock him out to get the keys." "Are you insane?..you'll get hurt.." "I don't care. Whatever it takes to get us out of here."

She looked at me worriedly and sighed.

"Alright...but..please..be careful." "I'm always careful."

I got behind the door and she started calling for someone. After a couple minutes had passed the guy from earlier came in and I got ready for the worst.

"What's going on in here." "I don't know...my leg really hurts." "Oh stop your whining. You're not hurt. And if you don't quiet it down you're taking it up with the boss."

She looked down and I jumped on the guy. He was spinning around as hard he could trying to get me off him. I did nothing but hold tight and kept holding. I finally jabbed him hard in the eye and he fell to the ground. His hand covering his eye and calling for help. By now I knew me and the girl were in major trouble and I had to start acting fast.

"Hey! His gun!"

I looked at his waist and grabbed his gun. I shot him in the neck then looked at the girls chain. I grabbed the key off him and unlocked her. I didn't shoot it off because I didn't know how many bullets we'd had. But, her ankle was so raw it didn't look like she had any solid skin left. I then grabbed her and put her arm over my shoulders. We then walked out of the room, ready to fight whatever came next.

+Stephanie's Pov+

We were at the club and the first thing I did was go and get a drink. I got just a regular glass of coca cola and started to drink it. Scanning the crowd slightly just to see if any guy looked specifically suspicious, until I realized they all seemed that way. I sighed knowing this was going to be a long night. Emily came over to me and ordered a drink.

"Hey, are you ready for this?" "I'm ready. I just need to know who's attention I'm getting tonight." "Stephanie..whatever else you've got planned..you know..outside the plan we discussed with everyone else..I want in." "I have nothing else going on, I swear." "Well, lets go dance." "Sounds amazing."

We went onto the dance floor then Doja Cat's song Boss Bitch came on. I fell into the music and waited on one of these weirdos to make his move. I felt Gus's eyes on me so I looked to see where he was. I finally spotted him then smiled happily. I danced harder and just kept going. After awhile a guy got right behind and started dancing with me. He got in my ear and I smiled maniacally when he started talking.

"I've got your little friend. And you better follow me out of this club with none of the rest of your little friends noticing. Or your husband." "Just dance and shut up."

I started dancing sexily with him and he followed my lead. He did nothing but keep up with me. He was a good dancer. But too bad he had to die. I then faced towards him again.

I slipped out a small knife from the leg strap I had on under my dress on the higher part of my thigh. I put the knife into his leg and he stopped dancing and looked at me.


I snatched the knife out of his leg and said,"You better start fucking walking towards the door like nothings wrong and take me to whatever car you came in." "O-Or what? You need me to find the kid." "I will stab you again. I will keep fucking stabbing you until you show me where the fuck my daughter is." "She's not your daughter. Not by blood." "She is. And I want her back so you either take me to your fucking car like I said or I'm stabbing you again."

He looked around angrily and I smiled. I looked towards Gus again and he came towards me. Once he got to me I looked at him.

"Alright. I was planning on leaving here without all of you so no one else would get hurt but, I stabbed him and right now he's bleeding out. We need to hurry up and get him to where Melanie is." "Okay. Let's go. I'll text everybody else from the car."

He grabbed the guy and he led us to his car. We all got in and Gus drove while the guy told us directions to where ever Melanie was.

Hellboy 2 (Lil Peep Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora