Chapter 16

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Story A won. Ill post more details later.

[Louis POV]

Day One:

Harry was fairly quiet today after leaving the hospital, the doctor claiming nothing major had happened, but advice on how to be more careful around the house. Harry agreed and asked me what else I remembered, but that was just about it.

I dont remember much about the past, but the last day I was alive and blue eyes crawling up my chest. He hummed and shrugged it off, although I wonder now how much more did I miss before that

I ache to know how our past was once, but I cant, no matter how much I tried. All I see is the last day and the blue eyes, the last day and the blue eyes.

There's brown eyes too that started appearing, but I fail to know who they belong too. My head aches still, so I lay in bed the rest of the day and bring along Ethan with me. Harry doesn't show up though, till much much later.

Day Two:

Spending my whole day with Ethan was spectacular, and Harry letting us bond by ourselves was such a generous thing to do. We /I/ played footie and Ethan was such a good sport for even trying, although he ended up on the floor most of the time. He's such a little wonderful boy, I don't know why I ever tried to push him away before, even if he wasn't my son or not.

Day Three:

Harry let us bond all day together again, and Ethan picked a movie day while he went to work. I'm pretty sure Peter Pan is Ethans favorite character by 4o clock in the afternoon, seeing as we watched the same movie three times in a row.

Im a little disappointed when Harry calls at night however, saying their flying him over to Florida for a modeling shoot. Although he says he'll only be gone for 3 days, it still makes me sad. A little.

Day Four:

Ethan is such a little charming boy, and I know one day he'll grow up to be just like his father. I don't know where he got the idea that tickling my stomach was okay, but nonetheless, it ended up with me in the bathroom floor because he was really good at it. He gave it get better kisseys afterwards though, and it made me feel as the role of parent and son were switched out for a bit.

Day Five:

I called Ethan son today during breakfast time and I've never seen him beam so bright.

I love my son.

I love Ethan.

Day 6:

Getting Ethan to sleep last night was quite difficult because he missed Harry. I tried calling him so he could Ethan good night, but he wouldn't answer the phone. I dont really know how time works over in the East coast, but it must be way different.

Day 7:

Harry returns later, and I know by the way Ethan is sitting down in the entrance of the doorway

For 5 hours straight, he doesn't move.

Well maybe, moves three times bc he needs to go potty, but other than that, he waits with a bag of fruit and his apple juice.

Harry arrives around 2, and is surprised to find Ethan clinging to his leg. Harry greets him with kisses all over, one on the lips for me. However, he retires kind of early, and by the way his under eye bags look, I know its been quite a flight.

Day 8: One week after getting out of the hospital, I can finally take the bandages off my head and it feels slightly better. Harry stays in his room all day, and me and Ethan understand, daddy needs his rest.

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