92[Its Time]

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3rd person pov

Harry glanced over his shoulder checking on Alexis she was sitting down rubbing her stomach watching a movie on her phone

She's in labor and she's been in labor for a few hours now

Harry went back to the tattoo he was doing he couldn't help but smile like a fool the whole time

Everything has been great since Sam went to jail

Harry did get arrested but he was found not guilty it was obviously self defense a point very well made by Melonie's brother who was extremely eager to help with Harry's case at no charge

He wanted Sam to suffer for hurting his sister and Harry wanted Sam to suffer for everything in general Harry took his lawyer out for drinks they got along positively swimmingly

Sam got 45 years for assault and battery along with attempted murder, kidnapping, theft, and fraud for checking in as someone else and using their stolen cards

Sam's mother even testified against him proving once again she was more on Alexis's side than ever Sam's father was even more than willing to forget he ever even had a son they both just acted like Alexis was their daughter and Sam was her crazy obsessive ex-boyfriend

Harry and Alexis both forgave them easily it wasn't their fault

"Alright so you know the drill next time is your wrist area and some minor details" Harry cleaned off the guys arm "mate your sleeve is nearly done"

The guy sat up "fuck yes" he flexed his red slightly swollen arm "you good for next week?" He got up

"Yeah I got Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday next week open"

"Mm Thursday how's like 2?"

"Yeah I'll set it" Harry started to clean his chair the guy walked out Harry looked back at Alexis she must be having a contraction she was hunched over with her eyes closed

Harry walked over he took one of her headphones out "you okay? Is it time?" She is on maturity leave right now the doctors said her stress could hurt the twins but she's only been out of work for 2 weeks

"I uh- Im gunna go to the bathroom" she stood herself up but Harry grabbed her arm

"Baby your chair is wet" she glanced the chair was wet she looked down not like she could see between her legs "I think it's time to go" Harry said softly snapping her back to reality she nodded he guided her to the car texting his boss it was time her hospital bag was in the backseat along with the 2 new car seats for the twins


"Mm? What baby?" He asked glancing at her she held his hand

"I-I'm nervous"

"You've done this before I know you can do it I believe in you 10,000%" he smirked

She shook her head "but it's twins and-"

"I'll be there with you the entire time princess" he kissed her hand "you've got this you are the strongest woman I know and you have this" he then laughed "you're about to birth the shit out of those babies"

She could help but let out the smallest giggle

They pulled up and checked in the contractions were much closer one every 5 minutes

She was taken back and set up Harry was also put in scrubs and gloves once everything was set up and she got an epidural it was time

Alexis wanted to hold Harry

"You're doing so good princess" he kissed her head pushing her bangs from her eyes "you're so gorgeous and your doing amazing" he hissed softly as she squeezed his hand

"I'm sweaty and IN PAIN FUCK!" She screamed "I'm- im not gorgeous!"

"But you are" she is always perfect in his eyes

"Alrighty we're at the shoulders big push" She screamed and huffed trying to breathe "one more one more!"

She pushed and there was a little cry


Alexis closed her eyes "f-fuck" she cried Harry wiped her tears she opened her eyes and smiled limply at him the doctor laid the baby on her chest she gasped softly she tugged at Harry's scrubs "look... look at our son" Alexis looked up at Harry "look at Mikey" she cooed she kissed his gooey bloody head

Harry was leaning down he nodded "I see him princess"

"Hold him" she offered she could see in his eyes how badly he wanted to hold him

"I-I don't wanna take him from you Baby girl"

"He's your son" Harry didn't have to be told again he picked him up and had to look up at the ceiling to blink tears from his eyes

The peace was over much too soon for Alexis She was pushing for the 2nd time Michael was taken from Harry so he could be cleaned

Harry held her hand giving her kisses and praise she said she couldn't do it and Harry was quick to say "you can! you can Alexis you have this if I could take the pain I would please know that I would" he kissed her hand over and over as she cried

Finally after a total of 16 hours of labor the baby girl was born

"Lana" Harry murmured as he saw her for the first time but he was right next to her ear so Alexis heard him

Alexis smiled "mm little Lana"

Harry realized "I-I mean it it doesn't have to be Lana" he watched as they laid her on Alexis's chest

"No it's Lana" Alexis nodded sluggishly

They passed Harry his son as they took Lana Harry sat on the bed with Alexis "look" he leaned so Alexis could see

She rubbed her fingers on Mike's cheek "like his daddy"

"Mm? Why's that?" Harry asked softly

"Perfect" she mumbled

Harry shook his head smiling at her "you're delirious"

She nodded "yeah I am"

"The boys name?"

"Michael Harrison Styles" Alexis said

"Styles?" Harry smiled

She looked at him "of course Styles Babe you're their daddy"

"I uh I kinda thought you'd give them your name like you did with Evelyn we didn't really talk about it so I just assumed..." she shook her head no

"No I love you and these are our babies if I could give Evelyn your last name I would in a heart beat"

Harry thought to himself that she could but he'd bring that up later when she's not loopy from pain and pain killers

They both signed then Lana got named Lana Love Styles they signed that as well

"Should I call everyone?" Harry asked

"Yeah and tell my father to go get Evelyn from school please" the nurse got Alexis to start breast feeding as Harry sat down next to bed making the calls

Once he finished Alexis looked at him she scooted over wincing "come lay with me please" Harry got in with her laying on his side so she had plenty of room he rubbed Lana's back as she fed since she was closer to him

"I love you Harry" Alexis puckered

"I love you so damn much Alexis" he kissed her deeply

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