1[Bubbly Brunette]

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Harry's pov

I stepped out the shower and shook my hair out wrapping my towel around my waist I stopped in front of my mirror wiping the fog I looked at my bottom lip I sighed deeply

A recent fight I'd been in I got punched in the mouth the guy had rings on and it ripped out my snake bites now my lip has the nastiest scars it's not like I didn't have enough scars I've got a cut in my eyebrow, I've got a scar over my chest from a knife slash, burn marks on my back

Most of them are from when I was in prison

But my lip... I slept with his wife so he decided to come to my work and 'teach me a lesson' I pretty effectively beat his ass he left and my boss told me to go home and clean up

It wasn't my fault that woman grabbed my junk I didn't flirt I didn't even talk to her I just fucked her and left didn't get a name, I barely got a face with how dark it was

I heard a knock I huffed letting my lip go I knew I was in a towel but I figure whoever is at the door will see that and understand why I slam the door in their face

I heard one more knock I got to the door and swung it open

I was greeted by a rather pretty girl holding a tray of brownies

"Hi!" She smiled widely showing dimples and beautiful plump pink lips "I'm Alexis I'm your new neighbor and I made brownies for you and my other neighbors" she held up the tray "homemade double chocolate"

I took a second just to look at her her hair was shiny brown to her shoulders, bright yellowy green eyes, caramel colored skin, about 5'7, she was wearing work out clothes a very tight red tank top showing her very bountiful chest and black leggings showing off her hips and thighs

"Um... do you not like brownies?" She frowned

Her voice was very soft and silky like she was like one of those phone sex hotline operators

I plucked one off the tray "thanks" I mumbled

She smiled again "no problem! Someone once did this for me thought I'd do the same" she shrugged "is it alright if I get your name?"

"Harry" I felt how warm the brownie was in my palm

"Well Harry you have a lovely home" mine was 2 story hers was 1 story ,I've seen her moving truck, she bit her lip "hope we get along"

I nodded I didn't mean to be so stand-offish but just observing her was a lot

She nodded "see ya" she spun around giving me a nice view of her backside I cocked an eyebrow and closed my door

I looked down at the brownie my hand, it did smell good, I took a bite and hummed surprised at how good it was

Alexis's pov

After 2 more houses I walked back to Max's house ,just 3 doors down from mine, I knocked on her door and just opened it I saw Evelyn, Max, Brent, and Josh all watching Barbie life in the dream house

"I brought you guys the leftovers" I walked over setting the tray on her coffee table

Max is my cousin she's 25 single and not trying to mingle

Brent and Josh are neighbors from the next street over they are together as in boyfriend and boyfriend ,cutest couple too, I've known them since high school and they been together since sophomore year Brent is 24 Josh is 25

"I'm so glad you're here" Brent grabbed a brownie "now you're stuck with us and away from Sam win-win"

"You just want me for my food" I crossed my arm

He gasps and shook his head "whaaaat? Noooooooo no no no.... okay yes"

Josh nudged him "be nice" he smiled "really though we are all happy you got some space from Sam"

Sam is Evelyn's father me and Sam we were together for 2 years before Eve and it was fine we barely ever argued we were pretty much solid puppy love phase until I got pregnant I was happy he was... well he said he was happy but that's when we really started to argue he nitpicked everything about me he said I was getting big, that my pains weren't as bad as I said they were, that when I got sick I should have better control of myself and I wouldn't throw up he was just a totally different guy

He was a d*ck

Then one day he hit me ,he smacked me across the face, and I called the cops on him he spent the night in jail and I moved out that night staying with my grandparents till I got an apartment I didn't see Sam until Evelyn was about 10 months he had a new girlfriend by then and he claimed he wanted a bond with his daughter I refused

But he would just show up at my house and wait in my driveway till I let him in

I'm so tired of that bullshit just showing up whenever he wanted staking out it wasn't okay I told him that but since he lived so close he didn't give a flying fuck because if he left he would just come right back a few minutes later

I didn't tell him where I was moving or that I was moving at all I'm gunna wait until he figures it out and calls me

"Come on Evelyn we gotta go unpack" I held my hand to her as she nibbled a brownie

"Yes mommy!" She got up running over to me taking my hand "can we watch Barbie at home?"

I nodded "I'll get my phone out for you before bed time"

I left them the brownies there weren't very many left I walked us home looking down at my little girl

She has relatively tan complexion with soft pale green eyes framed in long lush lashes brown hair that was curly and thick it reached to between her shoulder blades with adorable Baby doll bangs

Thank god she looks like me

Not that Sam isn't good looking he's the classic blonde haired blue eyed dream boat kinda guy but... I'm glad she doesn't remind me of him

"We have a backyard now Honey what do you think?" I asked her we didn't have one at our old place

She looked out the back door "mmm I dunno mummy" Evelyn doesn't like dirt she's not a fan of mud or sand she tolerates grass I suppose but she will not sit directly in grass or the ground I must say it's nice that I don't have to worry too much about stains she doesn't like to be messy even as a Baby I made her put her hands into her smash cake and she had a FIT "I think we could play chalk on the not grass" she pointed She meant the cement porch part I laughed and nodded

"that sounds good" I scoped her up "okay come on honey we gotta princess bed to put together!"

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