34[Close But Not Too Close]

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3rd person pov


Harry stood up from his couch pausing his tv as he heard a knock he was expecting Chinese food

He opened it but it wasn't Chinese food and that didn't disappoint him because this was better "Alexis hey what's up?"

She smiled "hey sooo" she played with her fingers still in her work clothes "you wanna... go on a trip with me?"

He raised his eyebrows "what?"

"I won employee of the year and I won a couples get away for 5 days 4 nights at this like really nice hotel I've got tickets to a spa and free dinners... 'n stuff" she shrugged "wanna come with?"

Harry laughed "uh I mean y-yeah sure when is all this going down I gotta take off work and get packed and shit"

"Yeah about that it's next week Monday through Friday" she smiled widely "so short notice I know!" She said super cheerfully joking around

He went wide eyed "uh I'll call my boss now then and get back with you in a few"

"Okay Yeah sounds good cause I still gotta go get Evelyn and everything I literally just pulled up" she laughed

"I'll call you" he nodded she nodded back and turned back toward her house

~End Flashback~

Harry was splayed out on Alexis's couch they were waiting for the car to come get them

Evelyn walked down the hall her princess book bag on ready to go she walked to him and opened her arms to him he picked her up putting her on his lap

She's coming with them on vacation


"YEAH MAMA" she yelled back and laid against Harry holding her scooby doo stuffed animal "I so tired" they woke up just before 4 in the morning the car comes for 5 so they get there the hotel for 12 in the afternoon

He rubbed her side "you can sleep on the way there" she nodded

Alexis walked down with her last few bags "are we all ready?" Harry nodded

"Been ready Baby girl" he hummed

Only 5 minutes later the car pulled up Harry put the car seat into the car she buckled it up as he grabbed the bags with the driver

Alexis slipped in so she was in the middle seat and Harry got in by the window Alexis had the blanket Harry bought for Evelyn she laid it over her and she had a blanket for them too Alexis laid it over herself and Harry

"Congrats lucky couple I will be your driver for the next week I am from the hotel you'll be staying at if you want or need anything I'm Jim, but we weren't informed you'd be bringing a child" the driver greeted turning to look back at them

"Oh I didn't realize it would be a problem" Alexis frowned

He shook his head quickly "no no not a problem Miss we just weren't aware I'll make some adjustments when we get to the hotel is all" he turned back "if we need to make any stops just let me know" he started on the way

Alexis nodded Evelyn getting her comfy before relaxing herself laying her head on the side of the car seat Harry was leaning against the door he looked at her and sighed he wrapped an arm around her pulling her against him

"I get cold very easily when I sleep" he mumbled for some reason he couldn't admit he was just trying to make her comfy

"I'll keep you warm" she hugged his arm he is a huge cuddler she's slept with him once before and even in his sleep he nuzzled into her as much he physically could almost pushing her off his bed in the process

With only 2 stops they made it to the hotel they parked by the front valets and bell hops came out starting to collect their bags Harry got out stretching his legs and arms to relief the dull ache in his joints Alexis got out immediately going to Evelyn's side getting her out setting her down "nooo mama" she bounced whining wanting to get picked back up

"V walk honey"

She shook her head no "peas mama" Alexis gave in picking her up

"you can leave the car seat in this car or take it up with you if you'd like" Jim motioned to it

"I'll take it with us" Alexis leaned in unbuckled it Harry grabbed it out putting it on the luggage cart

They were guided up to their room by Jim and a bell hop  "this is a single bed room I can't give you a different room but I'll arrange so you're able to get more meal vouchers so you won't have to pay for her food but the spa and other plans for the couple aren't exactly kid-friendly"

"Understandable thank you" Alexis hummed he unlocked the room letting the bell hop enter then handed Alexis and Harry each a room key

"you get the free breakfast of course and a free dinner but lunch is not included in your package, but you can order your dinner as early as 4pm and as late as 12pm" the bell hop finished and stepped out Jim nodded him off "any other questions?"

"No" she looked at Harry he shook his head

"Alrighty just call me if you need anything, enjoy your stay" he waved walking away

Alexis and Harry stepped in giving the room a quick glance over its one bedroom one bathroom with a small separated living room it had tv and a balcony

Alexis set Evelyn on the sofa who rubbed her eyes pouting "I brought the laptop so you can watch movies and books for bedtime also your bathing suit if Harry wants to go to the pool with you" Alexis hummed grabbing the bags with the snacks and the one if Evelyn's clothes putting them at the end of the sofa

"Otay" she nodded "Can I have snack?" Alexis pulled out a bag of goldfish opening them for her

"Harry and I are gunna unpack relax here honey" Alexis picked up her bags and he grabbed his

Alexis opened her suitcase pulling out a large gallon baggy of bathroom products and a few key items she's not the type to fully unpack

"So uh you want me to sleep on the sofa so you can have Evelyn in here or...?" Harry asked doing the same process

Alexis cocked an eyebrow "no of course not Harry she's fine on the sofa" she laughed softly "you're a big ass adult man you're not getting stuck on the sofa I wouldn't do that to you"

He laughed "just wondering"

"Unless you don't wanna share a bed with me" Alexis teased "am I not a good cuddle buddy?" She fluttered her eyelashes

He bit his lip "you're a great cuddle buddy baby"

"Yeah I know" she moved her suit case and plopped herself on the bed laying back stretching out she looked at Harry smiling widely "mmmm this is gunna be fun"

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