83[Im Happy]

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3rd person pov

Harry smirked "mm naughty girl I think we woke the baby" Harry hummed kissing the side of Alexis's stomach

"Naughty me? I'm not the one that was smirking" Alexis corrected him

Harry chuckled "you pounced on me!" He was so flattered Alexis literally grabbed him by his pants tugged him to the sofa and pushed him down he's so rarely dominated it gave him such a thrill

"I told you to stop smirking! You make that stupid fucking smirk it makes your dimples pop and you are so cute and mmm I just wanted to make you wear my thighs like ear muffs" she smirked mocking him

He groaned "mmm I love when you talk nasty" he nipped her chest making her whine

"Ow Im sensitive" Alexis pouted

He pouted back "don't lie you know you loved it" he winked smiling showing off his canines

"No I'll continue to lie" she giggled "oh look" Alexis had her phone out she was looking at baby stuff while he was talking to her belly "look how cute" Alexis turned her phone to him

It was a crib with Baby looney tunes sheets Harry nodded "is that the theme you want princess?"

She shook her head "no I just think it's a cute unisex thing I think if it's a girl..." she trailed off and looked down at her stomach which meant she was also looking down at Harry who had made himself comfortable putting his cheek on her belly "flowers maybe Evelyn really didn't get a theme I really just got whatever was cheapest" she took a moment "like sunflowers I think yellow is so pretty" she smiled

"That's cute I like it... sunflowers" He kissed her stomach

She giggled as she combed her fingers through his hair "if it's a boy I think maybe scooby doo? I have lots of stuff from when Evelyn was small"

"I love that" he nodded "you know I love everything you do" he crawled up closer to her face to give her a kiss

The pictures she showed him were cut off by a picture of her father "oh dads calling" she answered "hello?"

"Hey would you like to come here for dinner? Joyce made lo mein"

"Sounds great is it ready?"

"Yes by the time you arrive it will be and we have Evelyn ready too"

"Wonderful we'll be over" They said I love yous and good byes

Harry got up first he pulled on a pair of boxers "I think a cute little dress on you mm?" He walked to the closet

"I don't have any cute little dresses that fit Harry they all show my stomach"

He groaned "Alexis you've got to start telling people" he was fed up with having to help her hide she's avoiding her friends now as well, he really doesn't like it but he won't force her he doesn't want to upset her "how are you still hiding your pregnancy at work? I mean you can't carry those big heavy projects you know?"

Alexis sat up pulling the covers over herself "Babe I don't do that all too often and I sit at a desk I don't-"

"Alexis" he stopped her short "Baby" he turned back to her "Baby love please" he walked over and kissed her head "you have to tell I can't keep covering for you... Brent and Josh hate me now they think I'm holding you hostage princess and your father I think he might actually like me if I have to start lying to him then what?"

Alexis pouted "I don't want to tell"

Harry shook his head grabbing his pants from next to the bed "what if I tell? Would that be better?"

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