40[Maybe I Do Need You]

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3rd person

Harry knocked on Alexis's door stuffing his hands in his pockets to protect himself from the cold December air also knowing she heard his fairly loud knocks

The door opened Harry bit his lip at the sight she was in a big blue Hollister hoodie he didn't spot any shorts "you've got no idea how much I wanna peek under that hoodie to see what you've got on under there" he didn't really think before he blurted that out but that would have to be his greeting

"I assure you it's not a lot so let's not do that" she tucked her shoulder length fluffy brown hair behind her ear crossing her arms "can I help you or are you here to annoy me some more?"

"I thought we were passed that..." Harry frowned hoping he wasn't gunna have to re-break the ice every time they talk he just wanted it back to how it was when she'd open the door then the biggest smile consumed her face as she saw him and with the prettiest softest voice she'd chirp out 'Hey Harry' and his heart would go wild in his chest

"Depends what you're here for" she raised an eyebrow "so?"

He put a hand on her door frame yearning closeness "I wanna take you out"

"To where? And for what reason?"

He shrugged "a date, I'm gunna bring us to a paint studio we paint a little with some other couples and then we get some dinner ,or we get fast food get to my place an' watch a horror movie what do ya think?"

Alexis tilted her head at that -with some other couples- tidbit but she sighed Harry was trying to win her back she knew it he didn't that anything that 'bad' honestly she can't stay mad at him as much as she realllly wants to "sure" she nodded

He stepped closer "really?"

She nodded again crossing her arms leaning on the door frame so his hand was next to her face "I love to see you grovel" she smiled sharply

He chuckled "I've got to come with my tail between my legs Baby?"

She bit her lip "mmm I'd prefer you on your knees"

He raised an eyebrow and bit his lip "yeah? That I can manage" he then felt himself catch a chill as a big gust of wind hit he looked at Alexis who didn't even flinch "you're not cold baby?" She shook her head

"I get hot very easily I'm prone to heat exhaustion so I never really get cold... but I'm also inside and you're outside so" she said with a duh tone pointing over her shoulder then out to him

"I knew you were hot but I thought it was just a problem for me, not a medical thing" he grinned

Alexis couldn't smother a giggle "that was smooth"

"I try" he winked

he turned when a Benz pulled up in her driveway Harry frowned and pulled out his phone double checking the date "it's Wednesday why is he here?" He looked at Alexis

She crossed her arms "his parents came to get her earlier..." she squinted walking to the car not even wearing shoes Sam hopped out and practically dashed around the car opening the backdoor getting Evelyn out he set her down Alexis was stood by the hood of his car Evelyn rounded it her head down "where's her purse?" Alexis made sure she always carried her inhaler and a few bandaids

Sam rolled his eyes and reopened his back door grabbing it throwing it at them Alexis caught it scowling she grabbed Evelyn's hand bringing her inside out of the cold

Sam saw Harry at the door so instead of getting in his car and speeding off he followed the girls to the door Harry stepped in front of him "you're not allowed in the house... you know that"

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